[Board] Preliminary Survey Results

Mark Lucas mlucas17 at mac.com
Sun Sep 25 05:33:48 PDT 2011

Hopefully it isn't mutually exclusive, My impressions from looking at the various sessions and general walking around was that the conference was primarily developer focused.  In my random sample of walking around a looking in the sessions - most of the time you would see a chart with code on it.

I think we are doing a great job at providing value for the developers and we should looking at boosting support to other categories.

Development +


should all be focus areas that we should try and work.  Perhaps establishing distinct tracks for the various categories.  The conference was well run and was clearly a success.  I think these are just areas that we can improve as the organization continues to grow.  


On Sep 25, 2011, at 5:11 AM, Ravi Kumar wrote:

> If Developers take the major portion of the FOSS4G pie, then it is an alarm bell.
> Hope we can turn it around and make it USER focused.
> Ravi Kumar
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