[Board] Todo

Tyler Mitchell tmitchell at osgeo.org
Thu Sep 29 13:20:30 PDT 2011

On 2011-09-29, at 12:40 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:

> On 11-09-29 3:52 PM, Tyler Mitchell (OSGeo) wrote:
>> I agree, and one of the systems/sites I'll be updating is one that
>> tracks charter membership contact info.
> Interesting, what system/site is that?  Who else has access to that system/site?  How are memberships created?
> (this same system should eventually, yes, handle automatic invoicing, notifications, autorenewal, contacts...of our members *and* sponsors...hence why we may need to look at a hosted Membership Management System)
> Yup lots of work there :)   (i do this for a 175 member org...for sure managing members/sponsors will be a paid position for OSGeo though, I know the work that goes into that, yikes...can someone say outsourcing? ha)

As Markus noted, we do have a system up and running that is using http://civicrm.org - I've only used it for managing charter members, board members and tracking some sponsors.  Each year I bring it up but haven't found anyone on previous boards willing to help co-maintain it.

I suggest it's a secretary's task if possible.  It actually works well for tracking stuff.  

It can be used for signing up members, and I've tested it and it works.  But again, I'd hesitate committing to it unless someone else is interested in learning it a bit.  It's nothing too scary and doesn't require technical maintenance really, but as with any hosted service too, you'll need to have a point person who knows enough.  

I'm happy to work with someone to build up their confidence, but really it's a standard system and nothing too complicated for anyone on the board.

Hope that helps,

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