[Board] osgeo code contribution agreement

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Sun Feb 3 07:43:38 PST 2013

Hi Jody,

You can list me as a contact point for OSGeo, as OSGeo President. You
can use this email: jmckenna(at)osgeo.org (for the record Frank and I do
answer daily messages sent to the info@ alias)

I am not aware of a fax number.  We do have a phone number but it goes
straight to voicemail and then a few are emailed the audio and text
transcripts: (801) 896-7436

Let me know if you need anything else.


On 13-02-02 9:26 PM, Jody Garnett wrote:
> The GeoTools project has had some feedback about our code contribution
> agreement, along with the recommendation that we go for a standard one
> (such as apache).
> To that end I have prepared the following:
> - http://docs.codehaus.org/display/GEOTOOLS/Replace+Contribution+Agreement
> The amusing thing is, that by starting from the Apache agreement, it
> comes out as a straight up "OSGeo Code Contribution Agreement" with
> nothing GeoTools specific.
> I had a couple questions:
> Q: Is there a good contact point for "osgeo"?
> The website has info at osgeo.org (which I assume is an alias). I have
> assumed we can set up a secretary at osgeo.org email address and alias it
> to the correct individual.
> Q: Do we have a fax number?
> I have assumed not, and limited submissions to email and snail mail
> I will be bouncing this proposal off the GeoTools PMC (after updating
> with your feedback). And it should be returned to you as a request in
> due course.
> -- 
> Jody Garnett

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