[Board] Fwd: Plans for OGC/OSGeo Board meetup

Seven (aka Arnulf) seven at arnulf.us
Wed Sep 11 07:14:12 PDT 2013

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please put me on the list. Re. paying - I think that OSGeo should be
able to cover the cost of such a meeting for it's directors and
invited guests [1].

I suggest that we ping a few ideas here so that we have something to
focus on. This opportunity only comes up once a year so we should try
to make the most of it.

* How to mutually benefit from the ICA OSGeo labs education effort
* Exchange ideas about how OSGeo can help enhance the standards
process. Specifically: Would the OGC profit from OSGeo style code
sprints? How could we collaborate.
* ''your idea here''

All on this page:
Please hack away.

Specifically for OSGeo it will be interesting to learn about the
current policy & procedure and governance update activities at the OGC
because OSGeo will also have to do some housekeeping.


[1] ...(but have paid so much out of my own pocket in the past years
that it does not really matter much to me personally).

On 09/11/2013 02:18 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> I hope all Board (and interested community) members can give their 
> advice here on this Board mailing list today.
> 13 OGC Board members, it is quite an opportunity.  So far I have
> the following confirmed from OSGeo for this dinner:
> - Frank - Jachym - Anne - Ian - Suchith - myself
> Note that we must each select our meal choices to Jeremy by
> Friday.
> So maybe my original estimation of 8 from OSGeo is good for the
> reservation.
> Should we just pay our own ways?
> Looking for advice here.  (note that this meetup has bounced around
> on people's plates and finally fallen on my lap, with many sending
> direct messages to me, so please speak publicly, as I am getting
> swamped)
> -jeff
> On 2013-09-10 2:41 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
>> Forwarding to OSGeo Board.  Board: we'll need to decide asap
>> whether to move forward, motion to approve use of funds, or not.
>> -jeff
>> -------- Original Message -------- Subject: Plans for OGC/OSGeo
>> Board meetup Date: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 14:26:18 +0100 From: Jeremy
>> Morley <Jeremy.Morley at nottingham.ac.uk> To: Debbie Greenslit
>> <dgreenslit at opengeospatial.org>, Suchith Anand 
>> <Suchith.Anand at nottingham.ac.uk>, Jeff McKenna 
>> <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>, Ian Edwards 
>> <ian.edwards at metoffice.gov.uk>, Mark Iliffe
>> <psxmi at nottingham.ac.uk> CC: Denise McKenzie
>> <dmckenzie at opengeospatial.org>, Steven Feldman 
>> <steven at knowwhereconsulting.co.uk>, "Mark E. Reichardt" 
>> <mreichardt at opengeospatial.org>
>> Dear all, (would Jeff mind please forwarding to the OSGeo Board
>> list),
>> We're just over a week away from the joint OSGeo/OGC dinner. At
>> present the reservation is for 25 people - I understand that
>> includes 13 from OGC the last I heard.
>> The restaurant have asked that diners please choose their courses
>> in advance, to be returned to them on Friday. I've attached the
>> menu to this email.  Mark Iliffe (copied) will keep track and
>> pass the list on to the restaurant - please simply reply to him
>> with your choices.
>> At the moment I've not specifically ordered drinks (water, wine,
>> etc.) given the mix of who's paying for what, but can do if
>> asked.
>> Based on the list we can also resize the reservation.
>> Thanks for your help. Jeremy
>> -- ------------------------------------------------------------
>> -- Jeremy Morley Geospatial Science Theme Leader, Nottingham
>> Geospatial Institute, Triumph Road, University of Nottingham. NG7
>> 2TU, United Kingdom. Web:   http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/ngi
>> Twitter: jeremy_morley Tel.:  +44/0 115 84 68411 Email:
>> jeremy.morley at nottingham.ac.uk
>> On 10/09/2013 14:06, "Jeff McKenna"
>> <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:
>>> Hi Ian,
>>> You are encouraged to join, thanks, it will be great to have
>>> you there. I can even see you leading some of this discussion,
>>> as I can tell that you have passion for the OGC relationship.
>>> Please come along.
>>> Also Arnulf, can you make it to this on Wednesday night?
>>> -jeff
>>> On 2013-09-10 9:58 AM, Ian Edwards wrote:
>>>> Hi Jeff,
>>>> Assuming I can solicit an invitation... I would like to join
>>>> you at the joint OSGeo/OGC dinner (paying my own way of
>>>> course).
>>>> The conference falls at an ideal time to reflect on OGC's
>>>> Ideas4OGC process[1], and I have a strong feeling that there
>>>> are opportunities to build on our 2008 MoU to the benefit of
>>>> both communities.
>>>> We have a place holder for a BoF session early on Friday 20th
>>>> to get more open discussion and feedback[2], but one of the
>>>> outcomes from Wednesday evening may be that we would like to
>>>> make use of other opportunities during the FOSS4G week.
>>>> Many thanks,
>>>> Ian
>>>> Ian Edwards, OSGeo UK
>>>> [1]
>>>> http://external.opengeospatial.org/twiki_public/Ideas4OGC/LeaderShip
>>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2013_BirdsOfAFeather#OGC.2FOSGeo_meet_u
>>>> On Wed, Sep 4, 2013 at 2:49 PM, Jeff McKenna 
>>>> <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
>>>> <mailto:jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>> wrote:
>>>> Hi Jeremy, Board,
>>>> Oh ok, I didn't know that you are not on the Board list.
>>>> I myself don't have a ticket for the ice breaker, so I am
>>>> confirmed. Including Daniel and Frank (emailed me directly),
>>>> we'll likely have between 4 and 8 OSGeo Board members there.
>>>> I also want to include Arnulf, who has been a constant
>>>> driving force between uniting OGC-OSGeo. (Jachym, I'm not
>>>> forgetting your potential inclusion either)
>>>> I would say to reserve a table for 20 (12 OGC Board members,
>>>> plus roughly 8 OSGeo reps).
>>>> I would then estimate a cost of roughly 35pounds each (inc a
>>>> drink, and tip), which would mean approx 1100 USD (or 550 USD
>>>> each for OSGeo and the OGC).
>>>> If the Board is interested, I would make a motion to approve
>>>> the use of $550 maximum for an OGC-OSGeo meetup.
>>>> General reaction by the Board?
>>>> As Daniel pointed out, there is already an OGC-OSGeo meetup
>>>> planned for Friday morning (I was already confirmed for
>>>> attending that):
>>>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2013_BirdsOfAFeather#OGC.2FOSGeo_meet_u
>>>> It could be that the OSGeo Board decides as a group to
>>>> attend that, and not set aside funding for a separate
>>>> meetup.
>>>> Speak up as Jeremy needs our thoughts now.
>>>> -jeff
>>>> On 2013-09-03 8:21 PM, Jeremy Morley wrote:
>>>>> Jeff,
>>>>> Note that I'm not on the board mailing list so it may be
>>>>> only you
>>>> who saw
>>>>> the original email - it may be useful to be able to post to
>>>>> the
>>>> list for
>>>>> this conversation, otherwise please relay my messages.
>>>>> Anyway, yes, the current plan is that there's this
>>>>> relatively
>>>> formal
>>>>> get-together with the OGC board (12 of them, I think) at
>>>>> 7pm on
>>>> the
>>>>> Wednesday (18th) as a dinner in the hotel restaurant. The
>>>>> cost is
>>>> £24/head
>>>>> for the three course meal, drinks additional, but including
>>>>> VAT
>>>> (our sales
>>>>> tax).
>>>>> There is the FOSS4G ice breaker at the same time - I don't
>>>>> know
>>>> (meaning I
>>>>> don't know, rather than "I don't think it is") if this is
>>>>> the sort
>>>> of the
>>>>> thing the OGC Board would want to attend. The OGC guys
>>>>> aren't
>>>> registered
>>>>> at the conference generally (their meeting is separate on
>>>>> the
>>>> Thursday)
>>>>> and so they'd have to buy ice breaker tickets (as would you
>>>>> guys).
>>>> There
>>>>> was also some suggestion of a half-way house of a drinks
>>>>> reception
>>>> for the
>>>>> two (or three including AGI) groups.
>>>>> In the end I'm pretty neutral about this. It seems to me
>>>>> that for
>>>> a formal
>>>>> "meeting of minds" such as this it does really need to be
>>>>> done in
>>>> a more
>>>>> private space than the ice breaker to allow discussion to
>>>>> properly
>>>> happen.
>>>>> The aim isn't just to party together is it? This seems to
>>>>> be the
>>>> sort of
>>>>> thing that board members of organisations are there for,
>>>>> for
>>>> diplomatic
>>>>> talks with other organisations. It may therefore be
>>>>> something that
>>>> one or
>>>>> both organisations or else their representative members
>>>>> have to
>>>> stump up
>>>>> for - we may be able to find a cheaper menu if that's the
>>>>> problem.
>>>>> Still, that's just my view.  The bottom line is that the
>>>>> EMCC
>>>> event
>>>>> manager and I are running through all the bookings to
>>>>> confirm
>>>> orders on
>>>>> Monday morning (British Summer Time) and I'll need to know
>>>>> by then
>>>> what
>>>>> the confirmed plan is. At present I will stick with the
>>>>> meal plan
>>>> unless
>>>>> told explicitly not to go ahead. I also need to have a
>>>>> reasonably
>>>> good
>>>>> handle on the numbers attending too, please.
>>>>> With regards, thanks, and some trepidation at the nearness
>>>>> of it
>>>> all,
>>>>> Jeremy
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- -- 
Seven of Nine
Exploring Body, Space and Mind
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