[Board] OSGeo membership in GLTN

Arnulf Christl arnulf.christl at metaspatial.net
Tue Feb 4 14:19:03 PST 2014

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Hi Cameron,
thank you for the quick reply and support. I changed the document
according to your suggestions, find it attached (sorry for spamming
your respective inboxes).

Best regards,

On 02/03/2014 09:09 PM, Cameron Shorter wrote:
> Hi Arnulf, I think this is an excellent initiative that you are
> proposing, re OSGeo supporting GLTN, and as a member of the OSGeo
> board I'd like to vote to support it.
> However, before voting, I'd like to propose a few tweaks to your 
> proposed text. In particular, I think it important that OSGeo is
> careful not to over promise what we can deliver, noting that we are
> a volunteer driven organisation, and the best we can offer is to
> encourage contributions from volunteers.
> Text is currently:
> /... and contribute to the development and evolution of the STDM 
> project. OSGeo is also interested in supporting training and
> education through conferences and workshops on land tenure-related
> topics and will support the development of a community of
> developers especially from Africa around the project./
> I suggest changing to:
> /... and *encourage our volunteers to contribute* to the
> development and evolution of the STDM project. OSGeo is also
> interested in supporting training and education through
> *encouraging STDM themes at* *our* conferences and workshops. 
> *<strike>**on land tenure-related topics and will support the 
> development of a community of developers especially from Africa
> around the project.</strike>*/
> (I suggest dropping specific reference to Africa, as I don't think
> it adds value, and has potential to alienate other regions where
> STDM will be valuable.)
> On 04/02/14 00:41, Arnulf Christl wrote: Dear Board, I am currently
> working on a project for the UN-Habitat Office. They develop an
> Open Source project called STDM (social tenure domain model). It is
> a tool, data schema and concept to help data collection of tenure
> data in informal settlements: 
> http://www.gltn.net/index.php/land-tools/social-tenure-domain-model-stdm
>  The toolset includes a plug-in for QGIS and a data schema for
> PostGIS. STDM is a dedicated pro-poor effort and has been designed
> especially to address the continuum of tenure relations typically
> found in informal settlements. Slums usually lack a cadaster or
> other precise mapping background and the relations between
> ownership and tenure are not well defined. This tool is designed to
> address these issues.
> The project has been started through GLTN (the Global Land Tool 
> Network, http://www.gltn.net/) a non-profit association dedicated
> to developing tools for land registry and management. We (OSGeo)
> have now been invited to become a partner of this association.
> Joining this partnership will allow partners to fund individuals
> through OSGeo to join forces on the project, collaborate on the
> software, take part in meetings, conferences, workshops, etc.
> Our side of the commitment would be the provision of
> infrastructure support for the STDM tool, the kind of support we
> already give to some projects. The current focus lies on operating
> the mailing lists for the project and set up a landing page in our
> Wiki (which I both commit to doing). The STDM project has been set
> up in compliance with OSGeo's way of doing things, the code will be
> Open Source, the documentation available for free, etc. The coding
> aspect of the project is not very big so we currently do not
> foresee the need to go through incubation but it might be a nice
> addition for our OSGeo Live effort.
> OSGeo's support for QGIS and PostGIS is highly appreciated by GLTN
> and they acknowledge this as part of our active support in this 
> partnership. So basically we are already doing all that they need
> and in turn they would like to give back through this partnership.
> I have already confirmed that we can set up mailing lists and will
> do this in the next days (see ticket #1295).
> Could the board please go through the attached draft request for 
> membership and raise any questions you might have. Please note that
> I will only be available until the end of the week but you can
> also contact Danilo Antonio directly, he is the project lead at
> UN-Habitat and copied in this mail - or Clarissa Augustinus, Chief,
> Land & Tenure Section, UN-HABITAT.
> I would be happy to act as the initial point of contact unless 
> somebody else with a better background in our African OSGeo
> chapter activities is highly interested in further developing this
> relationship.
> Best regards, Arnulf
> PS: Please note that I will be away most of the rest of February
> and into March.
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> -- Cameron Shorter, Software and Data Solutions Manager LISAsoft 
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- -- 
Seven of Nine
Exploring Body, Space and Mind

- -- 
Arnulf Christl
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