[Board] MOTION: Authorize running Vienna code sprint sponsorships through OSGeo

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Fri Feb 14 14:38:43 PST 2014

Hi board,

Please see explanation below and vote on the following motion:

MOTION: To authorize OSGeo and its Treasurer to run some of the 
sponsorship funds for the Vienna Code Sprint through OSGeo's bank 
account and transfer the total amount in a single transaction to the 
Vienna Sprint organizers, together with the surplus from past C Tribe 
Sprints that is already sitting in OSGeo's bank account.

And I start with my +1 / Daniel


For some of the sponsors for the Vienna Code Sprint 
(http://vienna2014.sprint.osgeo.org/) based in US, it is complicated and 
expensive to transfer the funds to the organizer (Stephan Meissl) in 
Europe, and it would be easier and cheaper to just mail a check to OSGeo 
that would be forwarded in one single transaction together with the 
surplus from pas C Tribe Sprints which is already sitting in OSGeo's 
bank account and waiting to be transferred when we will be ready.

We would not want to act as a bank for several events per year because 
of the overhead, but in this specific case since we are talking only 
about one or two transactions, and we are already handling the surplus 
from pas C Tribe Sprints anyway, the additional overhead is minimal so I 
think it is worth doing.

This motion is mostly a formality but I wanted to run this by the board 

Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201
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