[Board] Support fot OSGeo officers (Re: My attendance in Portland)

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Thu Jul 17 01:59:55 PDT 2014

On 2014-07-16, 10:07 AM, Seven (aka Arnulf) wrote:
> Next: Yes, my business suffered a lot during my presidency. It is
> one of the reasons why I think that the term should be limited.
> Oher than Jeff I think that one year president elect followed by
> one year full president is enough. There is nothing worse than
> burning out your presidents and discarding them when they are done.
> Not good.

Hi Arnulf,

On your point about the length of term for OSGeo President I strongly
disagree, and it is becoming more clear to me as I grow into the
position.  I had the pleasure of spending a lot of time privately
recently with Georg Gartner (president ICA) and Chris Rizos (president
Int Assoc Geodesy) on the road (sometimes there is no better way to
get to know someone than to be in a foreign country with them, as you
know), and I asked them their own opinions - both said adamantly, 4
year term.  And yes I fully agree.  It takes time to figure out the
role, build relationships, and make an impact.

Even here at FOSS4G-E I was twice pulled aside by (very very
prominent) community members and told/asked to stay on as president
for a term like 4 or 5 years, as a stable face and representative of
the community.  I agree with them, but limited to 4 years.

And for the record, Georg actually asked me to stay on that length, to
work with him and our organizations.

Those who witnessed my talks here at FOSS4G-E or at AfricaGEO recently
also saw a different side of me - the president is actually emerging
(that's the best way I can say it).

I really appreciate you explaining the demands and assumptions of the
position, this really helps to explain how 'awkward' it is for me to
have to ask for such things, to function as president.  Thank you.

Your friend,


PS. I am sitting outside now with Astrid in your beautiful country,
she says hi too :)

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