[Board] Letter of Support for FOSS4G Perú 2014

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Tue Oct 7 15:26:23 PDT 2014

Thanks for your fast review Jorge!


On 2014-10-07 5:54 PM, Jorge Sanz wrote:
> 2014-10-07 22:08 GMT+02:00 Jeff McKenna <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>:
>> Hello Board,
>> I have been contacted by a member of the OSGeo Perú chapter[1], Juan Manuel
>> Delgado Estrada, who would like OSGeo to sign a letter showing our support
>> for the first FOSS4G Peru event.  The support letter, as I understand it,
>> will help the chapter possibly get funding for the event.
>> Juan has told me that no funding is required from OSGeo, but the letter does
>> list an amount that OSGeo would contribute in-kind (equivalent to 2,000
>> USD), through contributions such as me already emailing them or also
>> submitting a written introduction to the event.
>> As I understand it, they need to submit this letter before 10 October, so
>> we'll need to move fast either way.
>> I will send the letter to Board members privately (one letter and one intro
>> to the event), and as they are in Spanish maybe it would be helpful for
>> Jorge to take a glance at it.
>> I don't see any issue in signing the letter of support for their FOSS4G
>> event, but I just wanted to make sure the Board is aware.
>> (Juan follows the Board mailing list, and you can see his formal email
>> request below)
>> [1] http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Per%C3%BA
>> Thanks,
>> -jeff
> Hi all,
> Both documents seem fine to me.
> The intro to the event describes what you could expect from a local
> FOSS4G, written apparently in a format required by the public
> administration that is addressed: general and detailed objectives,
> impact of the event and so on. The letter is concise and just states
> that OSGeo will participate on the event as mentioned.
> Juan, if you think it's worth some kind support from the Spanish
> Language Local Chapter, just tell us. Note that we are not a legal
> entity at all (it's been always hard to think about a legal entity
> that covers all Spanish speaking countries with our current
> workforce).
> Anyway, please consider also to promote FOSS4G Perú at OSGeo-es mailing list[1].
> Good luck with your event and please, keep us posted!!
> Cheers
> [1] http://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/spanish

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