[Board] [EXTERNAL] motions for the meeting 2014-09-13
Jachym Cepicky
secretary at osgeo.org
Wed Sep 17 12:17:39 PDT 2014
nobody is requiring it for foss4gs 2014 and 2015, we are just politely
asking to be as open as possible
we may talk about it, and setup details for 2016 bit
Idea is, foss4g shall be open conference - budget is important part of it
sofar no real complains, I take it as indicator for further discussion
2014-09-17 0:39 GMT+02:00 Smith, Michael ERDC-RDE-CRREL-NH
<Michael.Smith at erdc.dren.mil>:
> On 9/14/14, 5:31 AM, "Jachym Cepicky" <secretary at osgeo.org> wrote:
>>Hi all,
>>I would like to ask you for approving following motions per e-mail:
>>* motion for aproving previous minutes Board_Meeting 2014-08-14
> +1
>>* motions that jeff be president
> +1
>>* motions jachym as secretarty
> +1
>>* statement to remain as is "To support the collaborative development
>>of open source geospatial software, and promote its widespread use."
>>(but update the goals)
> +1
>>* to publish last board and charter member elections on the internet
>>withe detail numbers of +1's and -1's for each nominee
> +1
>>* the next FOSS4G (2016) and afterwards, OSGeo board requires
>>*completely* open budget, including soponsorships, income for
>>"professional" organization helping with conference and all spendings
>>(and income) related to FOSS4G conference
> +0 I think we need to clarify this a bit, make sure that past chairmans
> agree with the changes (eg Darrell's concerns). I like the idea but its
> the details that will determine whether I support this in the end or not.
> Mike
> --
> Michael Smith
> US Army Corps
> Remote Sensing GIS/Center
>>Minutes: http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2014-09-13
>>Have a good night
>>Board mailing list
>>Board at lists.osgeo.org
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