[Board] resignation
Jachym Cepicky
jachym.cepicky at gmail.com
Wed Sep 17 12:27:11 PDT 2014
I just did not want to press on you, Bart - I took your decision
seriously and respectfully. But it would be pity, if you should end up
just like this. I already told you, I disagree with the reason, which
you mentioned, and we need people like you on the board.
however you decide, I will always respect your decision and support
it, this is everyone's personal choice and it is not easy. For OSGeo
itself it would be good, if the members of the board can make it
through their full term.
2014-09-17 16:01 GMT+02:00 Landon Blake <sunburned.surveyor at gmail.com>:
> Bart:
> I'd recommend you take a few days before you make a final decision about
> your resignation. I've been in your situation before...and I resigned from a
> board position with a volunteer organization. After things cooled off, I
> regretted my quick decision.
> It sounds like your opinion on the board is valuable, especially if it is a
> minority opinion. You really need to stay on the board to represent the
> OSGeo members that share your feelings about how to move forward.
> I hope you will reconsider and decide to stay on with the board.
> Landon
> On Tue, Sep 16, 2014 at 2:31 AM, Anne Ghisla <a.ghisla at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, 15 Sep 2014 22:05:38 +0200
>> Jachym Cepicky <jachym.cepicky at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > I agree on this. Jeff (and others), I really see no point on fighting
>> > anyone. You can not prohibit people to talk each other, that is one of
>> > foss4g tasks and scope. And I always try to put people together,
>> > rather then splitting them. I wish, I could talk to some of the ESRI
>> > guys more :-( but I managed to talk to people about locationtech
>> > topic. Bart, things are happening. OSGeo tries to define it's
>> > position to locationtech, things are moving now, we are on it. And we
>> > will see, as I always say.
>> Board, all,
>> I agree with Jachym, things are moving.
>> However, not everyone in OSGeo agrees on this movement. There are
>> different opinions, that I recognise as valid, but are not similar
>> enough to let OSGeo take one clear direction.
>> This is also due to the openness of the question. OSGeo as a Foundation
>> can take the decision, either to refuse/delay collaboration, and keep
>> managing its activities (in a broad sense) by itself. Otherwise, it can
>> decide for collaboration with other groups on common goals.
>> I think that both ways are possible, but require different efforts, and
>> lead to different results. This is the big question that I see hidden
>> behind much of the last discussions, within Board and on Discuss thread.
>> As Jachym and others, I am in favour of experimenting collaboration
>> with LocationTech about co-organisation of an event, then decide
>> about a long-term cooperation.
>> I feel it is an opportunity that is available to OSGeo, that deserves a
>> try. If we see that this (or other) collaboration dilutes OSGeo spirit
>> too much, then we can decide to improve it, and if not possible, to
>> step back, and/or try to collaborate on other topics.
>> On a bigger scale, there are also some weaknesses of OSGeo (finance?
>> promotion?..) that can be improved by moving from volunteer
>> contributions into a more structured, managed way. Again, it is an open
>> question: it is perfectly acceptable to keep things going as now. It
>> depends on what expectations OSGeo (as a community, in the broader
>> sense) has on OSGeo (as an infrastructure, a set of services, a player
>> in geospatial domain, etc). This is a broad question that requires more
>> than a Board meeting to be answered.
>> [ps: Steven and Jo were faster than me in summarising the situation,
>> but I send this mail anyway.]
>> Best,
>> Anne
>> --
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Aghisla
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Jachym Cepicky
e-mail: jachym.cepicky gmail com
URL: http://les-ejk.cz
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