[Board] Fwd: Re: Professional Conf Organizer

Jeff McKenna jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com
Fri Sep 19 09:01:35 PDT 2014

I've had some initial dialogue with the Linux Foundation recently, which 
actually runs global events for other foundations as well.

Board, should we followup with them?


> On 2014-09-19 12:02 AM, Greg KH wrote:
> >
> >I'll be self-serving and point to my coworkers at the Linux Foundation
> >who do this type of work for lots of different Linux-related groups /
> >conferences (LinuxCon, Embedded Linux, Android developers, Cloud Open,
> >Linux Plumbers, etc.) and have started to handle conferences for Apache
> >and a few conferences for Tizen (in China and Korea).  All of those have
> >been all around the world in different countries.
> >
> >They aren't what you might think of as a "traditional" PCO company, but
> >that's what their conference group really is, with the added benefit of
> >being a non-profit so their fees are very low.  Or so I have been told,
> >I don't know that industry at all, just what others have told me.
> >
> >Hope this helps,
> >
> >greg kh
> >

On Fri, Sep 19, 2014 at 09:11:21AM -0300, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Hi Greg,
> Is there a way I can contact the Linux Foundation
> conference-organizing-group ?

The general info@ email address is probably the best way to do this:

If you don't get a response in a few days, ping me off-line and I'll
try to find out who to route it to.


greg k-h

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