[Board] Changing from Dropbox for OSGeo Shared Folders?

Michael Smith michael.smith.erdc at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 03:37:20 PST 2015

FTP doesn't really work the same way, there is no syncing to keep the files
shared / in common. I think the web client access with any of these cloud
storage services would provide the same benefit to someone who just wanted
occasional access. 

OneDrive from Microsoft was something I looked at also. It offers 15Gb for
free similar to Cubby/Copy.com but it still has the shared space problem, eg
having access to the OSGeo Shared folder will reduce/eliminate your personal
space (depending on the size of the OSGeo folder(s)). Google Drive is (so
far) the only one I've found that doesn't impose a shared space cost.
Copy.com distributes it equally, which is better, but doesn't actually help
as much when we would have a paid account for OSGeo.


From:  Jachym Cepicky <jachym.cepicky at gmail.com>
Date:  Monday, February 23, 2015 at 5:27 AM
To:  Michael Smith <michael.smith.erdc at gmail.com>, Jorge Sanz
<jsanz at osgeo.org>, Daniel Morissette <dmorissette at mapgears.com>, Alan Strand
<alan at notforprofitaccounting.net>, <president at osgeo.org>, Jeff McKenna
<jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com>
Cc:  <treasurer at osgeo.org>, "board at lists.osgeo.org" <board at lists.osgeo.org>
Subject:  Re: Changing from Dropbox for OSGeo Shared Folders?

what's wrong with FTP?

thanks for starting this Mike, appreciate

I have no problem with google drive, lack of the linux client is not problem
to me personally. what about one drive? just curious


Sun Feb 22 2015 at 16:17:03 odesílatel Michael Smith
<michael.smith.erdc at gmail.com> napsal:
> Jeff,
> Its perfectly fine to add to the public board list, I was just including
> those folks directly involved but you're right to include the larger
> community.
> The cost for Dropbox Pro is $99/year for 1Tb. And OSGeo already has a
> Dropbox Pro account. The problem is that this does not help anyone the
> dropbox folder is shared with. Each individual still has the amount used
> up. So if the OSGeo folder gets to 50Gb (for example), each person it is
> shared with gets 50Gb used up, whether it comes from a dropbox pro account
> or not. This is the same with Cubby. Copy.com divide the amount amongst
> all the various users (eg if 5 users, each gets charged 10Gb) and for
> Google Drive, it would all come from the owner of the shared folder and
> none from the members shared with. That¹s why I concluded that Google
> Drive seems the best for our situation where we have to have one paid
> account (OSGeo) with high storage and everyone that has access (whether
> synced to local drive or not) has no allocation changed to them.
> Mike
> ----
> Michael Smith
> OSGeo Foundation Treasurer
> treasurer at osgeo.org
> On 2/22/15, 10:09 AM, "Jeff McKenna" <jmckenna at gatewaygeomatics.com> wrote:
>> >Hi Mike,
>> >
>> >This is a great conversation for the public Board list (why would it be
>> >private?).  The decision we make here will affect future Board members,
>> >so I prefer to have this talk publicly.
>> >
>> >I am one of those with limited Dropbox space.
>> >
>> >Thanks for doing this research.
>> >
>> >I don't see a cost in your message for Dropbox Pro.
>> >
>> >My opinion is that we should keep this simple, use something that
>> >everyone has access to easily (supported on major platforms), and use
>> >something that is common/popular.
>> >
>> >So my strong vote is Dropbox Pro (whatever the cost may be).  Each Board
>> >member would get the costs covered for the length of their term on the
>> >Board.   When we donate our free time to OSGeo, for Board activities, we
>> >shouldn't be forced to use tools that are unfamiliar and may take more
>> >time to use/understand.
>> >
>> >-jeff
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >On 2015-02-22 10:57 AM, Michael Smith wrote:
>>> >> All,
>>> >>
>>> >> We've had some suggestions to change from Dropbox for the OSGeo shared
>>> >> folders (finance and intl) as the shared folders owned by OSGeo take up
>>> >> space on the local account of the person that this is shared to and that
>>> >> this is a problem for some of the folks. We have some suggestions of
>>> >> alternatives. I'd like to get us discussing this,
>>> >> pros/cons/gotchas/incompatibilites so that we can change (or not) in an
>>> >> informed fashion. Some of the proposed alternatives are
>>> >>
>>> >>  1. Dropbox Pro
>>> >>  2. Cubby
>>> >>  3. Google Drive
>>> >>  4. Copy.com
>>> >>
>>> >> I've already upgrading the OSGeo Account to Dropbox Pro thinking that
>>> >> the now the shared space would count just against the Pro account.
>>> >> Evidently this is incorrect. So to not impact others, we'd have to
>>> >> upgrade all users to a Pro account. From my reading of the Cubby
>>> >> website, it appears things are the same with Cubby.
>>> >>
>>> >> Google Drive indicates that Files that others have shared with you don't
>>> >> count against your limit. So this appears to be an attractive
>>> >> alternative. A 100Gb storage plan for OSGeo is only $1.99 a month. No
>>> >> Linux client however. Is this a deal breaker? The default free account
>>> >> is 15Gb.
>>> >>
>>> >> Copy.com has Fair Storage. If 5Gb is shared with 5 people, then only 1Gb
>>> >> is changed against each. (their forums have a large amount of spam
>>> >> posting though). A Linux client is available. Default free is 15Gb also.
>>> >>
>>> >> Overall, it would seem like Google Drive would be the best alternative
>>> >> as none of the OSGeo space would count against all the people it is
>>> >> shared with. But it would be a change from how it is setup now with
>>> >> Dropbox. And there is no Linux client.
>>> >>
>>> >> Opinions?
>>> >>
>>> >> Mike
>>> >>

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