[Board] Changing from Dropbox for OSGeo Shared Folders?

Michael Smith michael.smith.erdc at gmail.com
Mon Feb 23 04:52:54 PST 2015

Hmm, I missed that the first time around. I have to say, it looks very
interesting. I'm now thinking about setting up an owncloud server for my
group at the US Army Corps.

Do we have available osgeo resources available for something like this?


Michael Smith
OSGeo Foundation Treasurer
treasurer at osgeo.org

On 2/23/15, 7:08 AM, "Jorge Sanz" <jsanz at osgeo.org> wrote:

>El 23/02/15 a las 12:37, Michael Smith escribió:
>> FTP doesn't really work the same way, there is no syncing to keep the
>> files shared / in common. I think the web client access with any of
>> these cloud storage services would provide the same benefit to someone
>> who just wanted occasional access.
>> OneDrive from Microsoft was something I looked at also. It offers 15Gb
>> for free similar to Cubby/Copy.com but it still has the shared space
>> problem, eg having access to the OSGeo Shared folder will
>> reduce/eliminate your personal space (depending on the size of the OSGeo
>> folder(s)). Google Drive is (so far) the only one I've found that
>> doesn't impose a shared space cost. Copy.com distributes it equally,
>> which is better, but doesn't actually help as much when we would have a
>> paid account for OSGeo.
>> Mike
>Well for me paying a pro account for Dropbox is too much. I can live
>with Google Drive web access though, I use it regularly and not having a
>desktop client is not a lot of hassle if you don't use it intensively.
>Installing our own OwnCloud instance was also suggested, it works with
>major platforms, disc space only limited by our own systems capabilities
>and we can put the money on asking for help to set it up and maintaining
>it, instead of paying for licenses.
>Jorge Gaspar Sanz Salinas

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