[Board] OSGeo-Live (was geo4all)

Brian M Hamlin maplabs at light42.com
Thu Nov 26 11:10:33 PST 2015

On Fri, 27 Nov 2015 03:30:43 +0900, Venkatesh Raghavan  wrote:

       On 2015/11/27 3:04, Phillip Davis wrote:
> Open source tools, like NASA WorldWind.... 
Would be great if it could be included as a part of the OSGeo-Live

Hi All -
  regarding WorldWind, in the early days of my involvement here at 
OSGeo.org, I met with Patrick Hogan and some of his devs at length. I 
feel there is a standing invitation for cooperation, and have had good 
rapport with Patrick whenever I run into him since then. 
  As far as some of the larger sentiments expressed earlier about the 
role and nature of OSGeo.. I sense that there are definitely deeper 
expressions of how to live a life and the nature of intellectual 
contributions and collaboration, at work underneath the discussion. 
Similar deeper currents of how to live life have guided me here also. 
However, individually and as a dot-org, we must meet and interoperate 
with the mechanisms of law and culture of the times we live in.. 
Specifically, a dot-org has legal rights and responsibilities, and many 
of those rights and responsibilites are written in law relating to 
property, ownership and the like. This is not always immediately 
reconcilable with deeper currents of participatory intellectual 
collaboration. virtue, moral and ethical choice. These apparent 
conflicts are not a new challenge for those that are cultivating 
positive qualities in themselves and others. 
  I am probably over-generalizing when I say this, but .. I believe 
that the OSGeo Live 9.0 was the best release ever, and internally, 
brought about a re-invigoration of the Debian-GIS project, which now 
has over 100 packages ready to install (again) in synch with current 
development. The combination of OSGeo.org's OSGeo-Live and Debian-GIS, 
is structurally very, very solid to move forward in multiple 
directions, including education. As always, we must weigh gratitude to 
the Debian project, along with the needs and realities of brand and IP 
of OSGeo.org, moving forward. 
  for those that are interested in the OSGeo-Live project, I will 
include a short list of priorities I have identified for the coming 
development cycle, in collaboration with my fellow Project Steering 
Committee members:
Priorities for the Next OSGeo-Live Development Cycle (dbb)
- review projects for retirement
- prioritize the SciPy python stack, netcdf and related .. emphasize 
Python 2x for this dev cycle, with Python 3x as appropriate
- review the role of IPython Notebook "next gen" called project 
Jupyter.. see how it could fit
- carefully attend to the relationship to the Debian GIS stack.. 
understand their roadmap
- reach out to the QGis project, make sure they are presented in a way 
that benefits both OSGeo and QGis
- reach out to the OpenStreetmap devs, see if we can have ANY 
communication this time
Vision Statements for the Next OSGeo-Live Development Cycle (dbb)
* OSGeo.org has struggled to make an impact .. the presence is not 
strong, and with recent advances by others, OSGeo is by comparison a 
weaker entity that it was in 2012, in my view, however, the shipping of 
OSGeo-Live 9 was the best ever. 
* The OSGeo-Live to me, defines an authoritative install of every part 
of the OSGeo IP stack. True to open source priciples, it is completely 
reproducible in every part of the build and deploy. 
* We have, through hard work and honest relationships, helped to bring 
the Debian GIS stack to life again
* OSGeo is holding its responsibility as custodian of the most mature, 
most impactful IP in the OSS Geo world, with the OSGeo Live; this is 
not to say that OSGeo-Live fits every purpose though. as a very strong 
release, we have multiple opportunties now. But, we do not have the 
desire or ability to follow them all.. 
THEREFORE  recognize the OSGeo-Live as a dual nature project. ONE is a 
DEFINITION of installs for every OSGeo project;  TWO is a READY-TO-USE 
live disk for education and the sciences.  These two points should be 
guides for future development decisions. 
  best regards from Berkeley, California
Brian M Hamlin
OSGeo California Chapter


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