[Board] new Sponsors page draft

Daniel Morissette dmorissette at mapgears.com
Fri Oct 23 06:38:25 PDT 2015

On 2015-10-23 9:06 AM, Helena Mitasova wrote:
> We also need to to keep in mind our non-profit status which puts some restrictions on what we are allowed to do.
> Jeff can you point us to the application and any relevant documents that we should be aware of?

Hi Helena, All,

You are right that as a US non-profit organization we are limited in 
what we can do.

The main issue that the IRS found in our non-profit application was that 
we had a project sponsorship program and that this was not acceptable 
for a non-profit. i.e. through the project sponsorship program, sponsors 
could earmark their money for a specific project which constitutes a 
"private benefit" for the sponsor and unfair competition with private 
businesses, so we had to cancel the project sponsorship program in the end.

The following wiki page discusses our responses to the IRS on these 
questions, and includes a list of acceptable activities that we proposed 
and that ended up being accepted by the IRS since they approved our 
non-profit status in the end. See also the link to the PDF of the 
official response from our attorney that is linked at the top of the page.



Daniel Morissette
T: +1 418-696-5056 #201

http://evouala.com/ - Location Intelligence Made Easy

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