[Board] Project sponsoring

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Sat Feb 20 19:54:45 PST 2016


Thanks for bringing this up. As Jody, has pointed out,
the funding GDAL through "Project Sponsorship" [1]
of OSGeo Foundation is possible. I do think that our .501(c)(4)
status does no restrict sponsorship opportunities is anyway.
As in the past, the OSGeo board will be happy to manage the
this under "Project Sponsorship" [1].

QGIS and gvSIG associations must had a good reason to manage
their sponsorship independently. One of the reasons that they
decided to do so could be because it was more convenient, I guess.

Funding developers directly is also a possibility, but in some cases
the sponsors may like to have their paperwork done through an
officially registered foundation or association.

Personally, I think that managing GDAL sponsorship would depend
on what is most convenient for the PSC and potential Project

The board would be happy to assist in managing the GDAL "Project



[1] http://www.osgeo.org/sponsorship/opportunities

On 2016/02/21 2:15, Jody Garnett wrote:
> Project sponsorship works, we fixed the tax stuff.
> I best make a news announcement.
> On Sat, Feb 20, 2016 at 5:26 AM Even Rouault <even.rouault at spatialys.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi board,
>> I just received an email from a company, as a long time user of GDAL, that
>> would have been interested in sponsoring it. They found
>> http://gdal.org/sponsorship.html, that is a remain of the time were there
>> was
>> a sponsorhip program through OSGeo (I should probably remove the page
>> completely). As far as I understand, due to the 501(c)(4) status, this is
>> no
>> longer possible.
>> So currently they have no direct way of sponsoring GDAL specific
>> activities,
>> except sponsoring developers directly. Sponsoring OSGeo is of course a way
>> of
>> indirectly sponsoring OSGeo projects, for example to fund the shared IT
>> infrastructure, or code sprints, but this has a more limited impact on
>> day-to-
>> day maintenance activities led by a project: bug triage & fixing,
>> reviewing &
>> applying contributions, monitoring and maintenance of coutinuous
>> integration
>> environments, user assistance on mailing list, release process, ...
>> I'm not sure if there's a way forward for this. QGIS has for example
>> established their qgis.org association for activities that are close to
>> the
>> past OSGeo project sponsorship. I see there's a GvSIG association too.
>> Perhaps
>> other projects with similar needs have adopted similar solutions.
>> I'm not particularly requesting any action from the board. This was just to
>> share this experience and see if the board has some thoughts about the
>> topic
>> in general. For example, if the solution of project-specific associations
>> is
>> something that the board is happy with or would encourage, or if it is
>> indifferent to funding solutions the projects may adopt. Direct funding of
>> developers is also a solution, although for most activities I mentioned
>> above,
>> it can be difficult to get, contrary to funding that is feature oriented.
>> And
>> even if you get it, formally, it's funding of developer/company X, and not
>> of
>> project Y.
>> By the way, I see the GDAL page points to
>> http://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Project_Sponsorship : I guess this one is no
>> longer
>> valid ?
>> Cheers,
>> Even
>> --
>> Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
>> http://www.spatialys.com
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