[Board] great presentation from maxi

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Mon Apr 3 21:47:13 PDT 2017

Maxi for the "review incubation process" items - many of them are raised against existing projects.

Incubation provides the osgeo board with a project that is ready to take part in our community. Each project team has had first hand experienced how we expect projects to be run in terms of responsibility, transparency and inclusiveness. At that point "incubation" is done - and it is the board's responsibility to keep things on the level. As a board we have we expect project teams to provide an annual report (one of the reasons we have an AGM) and if we have any concerns can talk to the project officer at any point to raise questions.

For feedback about infrastructure - our approach of allowing projects to use "whatever is fashionable" makes us more attractive/low-effort to join and allows projects to chase to where the developers are.

For the feedback about the incubation process itself we have an experiment in progress with "Community Projects". This helps with the "big extra effort" and "missing a single criteria leads to exclusion". Promotion of the idea has be minimal so I consider it to early to tell if the experiment will succeed. If you check the "Community Project" page you can see a
with your "achievement based approach" is already in play ... now if someone could make cute icons to match :)


Jody Garnett

On Mon, Apr 03, 2017 at 9:27 PM Jody Garnett

mailto:Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com>
> wrote:

a, pre, code, a:link, body { word-wrap: break-word !important; }

>From discuss list there is a *great* presentation from Maxi:




I encourage board members to read this, and consider some of the topics raised for discussion.


Jody Garnett
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