[Board] travel grant discussion

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Sun Apr 23 22:25:13 PDT 2017

As noted in last weeks meeting, we have an action to move travel grant
discussion to email. The motivation is to build on the work done at FOSS4G
2015 <http://2015.foss4g.org/attending/travel-grants/>, FOSS4G 2016
and a few local

I would like to propose:
- A format, similar to code sprints, where any OSGeo event can apply for
funds to run a travel grants
- To repeat this is not a FOSS4G specific idea
- I am interested in using travel grants to promote diversity within our

A final comment is that travel grants are not a viable solution to high
event costs. If we wish to offer discounts for students we should do so
(rather than lean on a travel grant program).
Jody Garnett
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