[Board] Renewal of MoU with Korea Land & Housing (LH) Corporation

Venkatesh Raghavan raghavan at media.osaka-cu.ac.jp
Fri Aug 18 23:42:08 PDT 2017

Dear Board,

The renewal of MoU between LH Corp., Korea and OSGeo is

I have received information from Dr. Jungyong Choi, Primary LH Liaison
that singing of the renewed MoU can be done during the
FOSS4G-Korea 2017 event on 30 Aug., 2017 that I will
be attending.

The draft of the renewed MoU is available at [1].
No change wordings except for appropriate names and date.

Let me know if there is anything to be else to be done regarding
the renewal of the MoU.



[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/MOU_LH_Corporation_(2017)

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