[Board] [OSGeo-Standards] OSGeo Individual OGC Membership Slot: Committee

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Fri Oct 6 01:39:41 PDT 2017


> Having said this I would like to offer my resignation from the committee
> because I very apparently do not manage to process requests in a timely
> manner.

Oh! It looks like I may have been too insisting, or in a awkward way. I absolutely did not 
want this to happen. I know what it is to be burried under hundreds of unread emails, or 
being busy with many things, and I'm aware that's a position you have as a volunteer. 
My request is is not life critical. I just meant it as a friendly nudge.
I hope you may reconsider your decision.

Best regards,


Spatialys - Geospatial professional services
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