[Board] Fwd: [OSGeo-Conf] [rfp 2019] extension of the proposal period by one week
Till Adams
till.adams at fossgis.de
Sun Oct 29 04:59:48 PDT 2017
Dear OSGeo-Board,
as both teams agreed, the conference committee extended the period for
preparation of the proposals for FOSS4G2019. The new deadline for
proposals now is the 4th of December, the q&a period lasts until 15th of
December. After this the conference committee will vote on the
proposals. See the corresponding emails below.
We will send the official result to the Board on December 18. The
procedure foresees that the Board will then vote on the Conference
Committee's proposal. I would please you to consider to vote promptly
after our vote, so that we are able to inform the teams before Christmas.
Since Vasile and Maria represent both chairs of the respective LOCs on
the board, I would suggest that both abstain from this vote, but of
course this is matter of the Board, not mine.
On behalf of the conference committee,
-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: [OSGeo-Conf] [rfp 2019] extension of the proposal period by
one week
Datum: Sun, 29 Oct 2017 12:49:54 +0100
Von: Till Adams <till.adams at fossgis.de>
An: conference_dev at lists.osgeo.org, delawen at gmail.com, Vasile
Craciunescu <vasile at geo-spatial.org>
Dear Conference Comittee, SLOC and BLOC!
As the Spanish team and some of our committee members have agreed (and
there have been no dissenting votes) I would like to announce that the
time period for submitting the proposals for RfP2019 has been extended
by one week. The new deadline for the proposals is now *4th of December*.
I have changed the corresponding pages in the WIKI [1] and shortened the
question phase by three days (until 15th of December). This allows the
Board to approve the election of the Conference Committee before Christmas.
***Note for the voting members***
!! Please note, that the final vote on the proposals takes place between
15th and 17th of December !!
Be preapred and please vote, no matter where you are !!!
Regards, Till
[1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4G_2019_Bid_Process
Am 27.10.2017 um 13:26 schrieb Till Adams:
> Maria,
> I am happy, that you agree (and to be honest, I expected that more or
> less ;-)).
> I do not want to support any kinds of "election campaigns" here, so I
> feel that I have to clarify up some things about your notice in the
> 2nd part of your email:
> The idea and the initiative for this extension are 100% based on my
> personal thoughts, nothing else. No one of BLOC asked me to do that,
> so there is no need to be surprised ;-).
> I just remembered the time when we @Bonn prepared our proposal.
> Although such a proposal is the sum of work of many people, in the end
> it was me to write major parts and that *might* be the same for SLOC
> and BLOC. I say *might* because I do not want to start any discussion
> on this here & now. I also think, that the internal organisation is a
> matter of the [_]LOCs.
> !! If this extension of the proposal period leaves any bland flavour,
> we shouldn't do it !!
> In general I am quite sure, that the Romanian and also the Spanish
> communties are big and well organized. My intention (and my job) is to
> guarantee a fair competition among the teams.
> Till
> Am 27.10.2017 um 12:28 schrieb MarĂa Arias de Reyna:
>> On Fri, Oct 27, 2017 at 12:05 PM, Till Adams <till.adams at fossgis.de
>> <mailto:till.adams at fossgis.de>> wrote:
>> Dear Conference Committee, dear Maria as representant of the Sevilla
>> team (SLOC)!
>> I think you all have seen, that Vasile, the CRO of the recently
>> finished
>> board votings had a lot TODO's around the voting procedure. Many of
>> these time consuming issues couldn't be foreseen due to all the
>> happenings around the voting period.
>> The point is, that Vasile is also foreseen as chair of the Bucharest
>> team for Rfp 2019 (BLOC). Having noticed all this, I asked
>> Vasile, if he
>> would agree me proposing to extent the proposal period for Rfp
>> 2019 by
>> one week. This to give especially him some more time to prepare the
>> proposal without running into a hastle. Of course provided that
>> SLOC agrees!
>> I think it's only fair and we should give BLOC the chance to make
>> a good
>> proposal for a fair competition between SLOC and BLOC. In general
>> that
>> would mean, that all the dates mentioned on [1] would slip back a
>> week,
>> but we still would be able to present the location for 2019 by
>> Christmas
>> (if the board would find a date for their final decision). We
>> also could
>> shorten the question period by a few days, so the board has more
>> options.
>> So first I'd like to ask you Maria, as representant of SLOC, what
>> your
>> thoughts on this are? Can we agree on this proposal?
>> Dear Till,
>> What you say makes sense. It is on our best interest to have good
>> proposals and if BLOC finds they need more time, I can't refuse.
>> Whatever is needed to have the best FOSS4G.
>> Although, I have to say, I am a bit surprised. I heard romanian
>> community was stronger, not depending so much on Vasile (even if he
>> is chair). At least for the Spanish community, we try to be
>> horizontal and not depend on individuals.
>> If SLOC agrees, I'd like to ask the voting members of CC for their
>> statement (Just a question, but do we have to call for a vote, if
>> agrees?)
>> I wish you all a nice weekend!
>> Till
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