[Board] Improve Community Behaviour

Guido Stein guido at guidostein.com
Thu Aug 9 07:29:59 PDT 2018

Hey folks,

would it make sense to put this into a google doc and allow people to add
comments and suggest language updates?

Based on the great feedback I am not sure what has been updated or not so
far and would like to add some comments inline.

That said, if this is not a great workflow for others I will be happy to
add into the conversation in email form.


On Thu, Aug 9, 2018 at 5:47 AM María Arias de Reyna <delawen at gmail.com>

> Hi Shane,
> Comments inline;
> On Tue, Aug 7, 2018 at 9:44 PM, Shane Curcuru <shane at punderthings.com>
> wrote:
> > A couple of brief suggestions from a bystander (apologies in advance if
> > this is improper as an outsider).
> >
> > - The critical part to a code of conduct is how specifically you solicit
> > reports and show that you're dealing with them.  Ensuring that people
> > wishing to make reports feel comfortable about the process, and can be
> > secure their issues will be treated completely confidentially if they
> > request so.
> >
> > Thus, thinking through who the specific individuals are who will get the
> > incoming CoC issues is important, so that you have a consistent and
> > timely response.
> I agree. That's one of the issues I faced when I tried to contact the
> CoC: I didn't have clear who was behind it. It shouldn't be personal,
> but, at the same time, you need to know who you are sending your
> problems to. If not, some people may not feel safe to send anything.
> >
> > - Personally, I would *not* include statements about the local event
> > funding issues (or whatever those are: I'm not involved in active OSGeo
> > work) in your announcement email.  I would guess your focus *with this
> > announcement* is on having people be more polite and focused on actual
> > issues on the list, rather than dealing with any reporting/finance
> issues.
> My original idea was to have two separated statements: one for that
> issue and the other one more generic.
> >
> > Keeping the message simple is important to ensure that any questions
> > that do come up in replies are just about appropriate conduct.  Keeping
> > the conversation on this thread (in the announcement) and from the
> > individuals serving as CoC contact points focused on just the CoC will
> > help get the message across.
> >
> > Does that make sense?
> >
> > One minor comment: it seems that you've copied the text for the OSGeo
> > CoC from other sources.  It would be polite to reference the source you
> > copied from at the end of the CoC.  Separately, showing where you copied
> > parts from is a good indicator to community participants that you're
> > serious about the CoC, since you are re-using widely used terms from
> > other communities.
> >
> > The ASF does this in our CoC:
> >
> > https://www.apache.org/foundation/policies/conduct#endnotes
> Makes sense. I wasn't there for the first version, maybe someone who
> was on the original group can fill the gaps?
> >
> > Hope that helps!
> >
> >
> > - Shane Curcuru
> >   Punderthings LLC
> >   Also volunteers as Director and community member at the ASF
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