[Board] java 2018 code sprint

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Tue Oct 2 14:56:11 PDT 2018

I have made up the budget for the event here:

* Java 2018 Code Sprint Budget

And would like to request OSGeo support as per code sprint guidelines
Jody Garnett

On Mon, 24 Sep 2018 at 13:04, Jody Garnett <jody.garnett at gmail.com> wrote:

> Java 11 is released tomorrow, a code sprint is taking shape
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Java_2018_Code_Sprint to help our project
> teams.
> While it is my hope to make a budget request for next meeting ... I have
> not had any sponsors step forward yet. And I like to have at lease some
> sponsorship around to set a realistic budget as part of the code sprint
> guidelines.
> We are casting a wide net to attract projects with GeoTools, GeoSever and
> GeoNetwork expressing interest. Sadly gvSig has an existing event conflict.
> --
> Jody Garnett
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