[Board] Agenda for Mon 09-12-2019 meeting

Till Adams till.adams at fossgis.de
Wed Dec 4 04:09:55 PST 2019

Dear board,

regarding our board meeting next monday, I have a question regarding
point 5 (" FOSS4G 2020 - Halifax site causing confusion​") of our agenda:

Maria (the former board member & president ;-)) proposed that I should
participate on this meeting at a time, where I was chair of the
Conference committee and not member of the board.

Now I participate, because I am on the board, but not chair of CC any

Do you think it is helpful to have one member of CC be present for this

In the moment we are in the process of finding a new chair and Vasile
stood up. He is not confirmed yet, but I think he would be a good choice
to represent the view of CC.

Regards, Till

Am 03.12.19 um 18:54 schrieb Angelos Tzotsos:
> Hi all,
> Thanks for voting on the poll, here is our agenda page for Monday:
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Meeting_2019-12-09
> Best,
> Angelos

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