[Board] wiki cleanup - board edition

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Mon Jun 24 02:05:42 PDT 2019

One action item from last month's meeting was to plan out what the board
wants to do to clean up our section of the wiki.

In particular there are many "draft" documents that are being used to run
our organization and are being taken as official because they are written
down. Examples of confusion around this are election procedures, board
member responsibilities, etc...

This email thready is to figure out an approach to identifying these pages
and "fixing".

We have a couple of things to work with:
- there is a wiki procedure for "archiving" pages with a redirect (so the
content is not deleted and can still be accessed, but is also obviously not
still in play).
- we have branding/templates for official osgeo documents

So the difficult part of this work is going to be the decision making -
which is why it is a board activity :)
Jody Garnett
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