[Board] GeoChiapas Wiki

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Mon Apr 27 01:40:58 PDT 2020

Dear Arturo,

Thank you for your e-mail.
Your request has been added to the board meeting agenda:

Best regards,

On 4/16/20 7:02 AM, Arturo 'Ali' Moreno wrote:
> Greetings everyone,
> I hope that all are well, in good health and thriving these days. Not long ago, I made an announcement about the [SOLVE TPrize](https://solve.mit.edu/challenges/TPrize) Innovation Challenge sponsored by MIT, Tecnológico de Monterrey and the University of the Andes as well as my own entry, the [GeoChiapas project](https://solve.mit.edu/challenges/TPrize/solutions/17836#). Fortuitously, the GeoChiapas project is advancing and is slowly beginning to add participants while increasing its activity.
> For those who are unfamiliar, GeoChiapas is a project meant  to expand geographic awareness, accessibility to geospatial tools, and civic engagement opportunities. Our article on the OSGeo wiki can be found [here](https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Mexico-GeoChiapas). Our team is small and we're just beginning, so this offers a particular opening: it is a great chance to get involved as well as to direct the project to the best way forward.
> In this spirit, we solicit your support and active participation in two distinct ways: 1.) as a member of our team, 2.) as a counselor or guide. With respect to 2.) we are open to your ideas, suggestions and opinions regarding the project.
> Thank you for your kind consideration.
> Sincerely,
> Arturo Moreno
> San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexíco
> Cell +52 (967) 152-77-18
> [geoforage.io](http://www.geoforage.io/)
> Wire: alimoreno
> Telegram: Osaka Ali
> Sent from [ProtonMail](https://protonmail.ch), encrypted email based in Switzerland.
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Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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