[Board] GeoNode as participant in a german research call (NFDI4Agriculture), formal signing process unclear

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Thu Aug 13 01:40:02 PDT 2020

Dear Florian,

Thank you for sending the request.
This topic has been added to the board agenda for Aug 31th.

Best regards,

On 8/13/20 10:20 AM, Florian Hoedt wrote:
> Dear Board,
> -- the first mail yesterday was not properly sent to the board list, sorry --
> We as GeoNode PSC have discussed (see below) our participation in a german research call called 'national research infrastructure' in the consortium NFDI4Agriculture (https://www.nfdi4agri.de/index.php/en/). The PSC voted to participate in the call and the consortium. Our idea is to foster synergies with german research sites for using GeoNode as spatial research data hub and working on better interoperability in the scientific context.
> To do so we would have to sign a letter of committment [LOC], which states the general motiviation to work together with the NFDI4Agriculture consortium and broadly describe the actions which will be performed by GeoNode (like discussing proposals for technical developments, supporting in gitter / the mailing lists, reviewing pull requests, etcpp). Since GeoNode PSC and the project itself is not a legal entity we can not sign any LOC.
> But OSGeo is a legal entity and we would like to kindly ask, if OSGeo would sign LOC and state that GeoNode as OSGeo project will activly participate in the consortium NFDI4Agriculture. OSGeo does already work in the scientific domain, for example with the Open GeoScience group. I think participating in the consortium is a good idea to strenghten this part of OSGeo, since the general idea and vision of the national research data infrastructure and Open GeoScience does align very well. >> If OSGeo itself << wants to be prominently listed as participant in the call, we would need >> your informal approval << until today (!) evening.  I am very sorry for that harsh deadline. The signed LOC itself must be sent to the consortiums administration group until mid of september (15.09).
> If there are any questions regarding the LOC and the participation, please do not hesitate to ask me for clarifications.
> DISCLAIMER: I am part of the GeoNode PSC AND of the NFDI4Agriculture call consortium as co-applicant.
> yours,
> Florian

Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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