[Board] 2020 OSGeo Board of Directors election results

Astrid Emde (OSGeo) astrid_emde at osgeo.org
Mon Dec 14 13:24:58 PST 2020

Hello all,

thanks CRO for announcing the OSGeo Board Election results!

Congratulations to the 4 new board members. Big welcome to Michele 
Tobias on the board.

Zoltán Siki thanks a lot for taking part at the election. Hopefully next 
time you will join the board.

Looking forward to work together with the 4 new board members.

Big thanks to our CRO Jorge Gustavo Rocha and Anne Ghislafor managing 
the election 2020. You did a great job!

Astrid Emde

Am 14.12.2020 21:14 schrieb Jorge Gustavo Rocha:
> Dear OSGeo members and friends,
> Thanks to all candidates for going through the election process and
> thank you all for your participation in this election.
> These are the results from the 2020 elections for the 4 open seats on
> the OSGeo Board of Directors.
> The results in alphabetical order are:
> * Angelos Tzotsos
> * Michael Smith
> * Michele Tobias
> * Tom Kralidis
> Election figures are:
> * 306 votes out of 482
> * 63% participation
> All candidates received a large number of votes recognizing their
> engaged in our community.
> Detailed number of votes for each candidate were published on the OSGeo
> wiki [1].
> Jorge Gustavo Rocha and Anne Ghisla
> (your 2020 OSGeo Elections CROs)
> [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/Board_Election_2020_Results
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