[Board] Congratulations and Future collaborations - Board2Board

Miriam Gonzalez miriam at hotosm.org
Wed Dec 16 06:07:04 PST 2020

Dear fellow OsGeo Board Members,

First of all I hope this email finds you and your loved ones healthy.
On behalf of the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Board I would like to
congratulate you for the recent elections and having a diverse Board full
of talented people (that personally I admire so much!!!).

As you might know in HOT we have the goal to map during the next 5 years 1
billion people who live in 94 countries which face different challenges.
Some of the discussions we are having are related  to how we can make sure
the data created is linked with tools (specially Open Source) that can
change people's realities.

I would like to have a first approach Board to Board to introduce
ourselves and find a way to collaborate together in the future.

If you like this idea, I would like to hear your thoughts and set up some
tentative dates to meet.

Looking forward to start a collaboration,

*Miriam González*
President Board of Directors
*Humanitarian OpenStreetMap *
miriam at hotosm.org
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