[Board] W3C Web mapping workshop, Montreal June 15-17

Tom Kralidis tomkralidis at gmail.com
Thu Feb 27 07:48:07 PST 2020

Hi Peter: as discussed in this week's OSGeo Board meeting [1], I will try
to attend as an OSGeo board representative. As you know, the OGC Technical Committee meetings are during the same time.

While we don't have an official position on better integrating mapping
into the Web platform standards, our feeling is that having increased
collaboration between open source geospatial web mapping projects and
web browser development communities will benefit in this objective.

If I am not able to attend, we will reach out to related OSGeo projects of
interest to try and attend.  I also believe Daniel Morissette will likely
be in attendance, who will be able to support the OSGeo perspective as well.


[1] http://irclogs.geoapt.com/osgeo/%23osgeo.2020-02-24.log

> Dear Peter,
> thanks for contacting us in this context. I put your request on the
> agenda of our next board meeting, which will take place next monday. We
> will then come back to you,
> Regards, Till
> - on behalf of OSGeo board -
>> Am 23.01.20 um 21:49 schrieb Rushforth, Peter (NRCan/RNCan):
>> Hi,
>> My name is Peter Rushforth, and I’m with the Canada Centre for Mapping
>> and Earth Observation, at Natural Resources Canada.  We are in the
>> planning stage of a workshop on maps in the Web platform (HTML),
>> together with the W3C and the OGC.  The workshop will be collocated
>> with the OGC TC meeting, June 15-17 2020 in Montreal, Quebec.
>> I am sending this email to see if OSGEO might be interested in being
>> invited to participate (by presenting a short position paper, in
>> person) in this workshop on the concept of better integrating mapping
>> into the Web platform standards, and if so, how.
>> The objective of the workshop will be to start a conversation between
>> the geospatial (and geospatial standards) community, and the Web
>> platform community, about how Web standards could better serve the
>> needs of Web mapping and users of Web maps.
>> Some of the topics of potential interest include:
>>  * a native map viewer, similar to that provided for video content
>>  * standards for how such a map widget might integrate with map
>>    services and APIs
>>  * Integration / relationship of maps and location with other browser
>>    APIs, e.g. geo-video, geolocation API, forms, SVG
>>  * crawling, indexing and searching map information
>>  * standardized browser elements and APIs
>>  * CSS styling of maps and map features
>>  * Map feature creation / input forms
>>  * federated map services with linking
>>  * accessibility of browser maps
>>  * privacy of user location information
>>  * security of browser-based maps
>> But mostly, it will be driven by position papers, and what
>> organizations like your own want to discuss.  We plan on inviting
>> individual projects from the geospatial and Web platform communities
>> as well, but if you have questions I am happy to try to answer on list
>> or off.
>> Cheers, and thanks
>> Peter
>> Peter Rushforth
>> Technology Advisor
>> Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation
>> Natural Resources Canada / Government of Canada
>> peter.rushforth at canada.ca <mailto:peter.rushforth at canada.ca>/ Tel:
>> 613-759-7915
>> Conseiller technique
>> Centre canadien de cartographie et d’observation de la Terre
>> Ressources naturelles Canada / Gouvernement du Canada
>> peter.rushforth at canada.ca <mailto:peter.rushforth at canada.ca>/ Tél:
>> 613-759-7915

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