[Board] OSGeo Motion Seed funding for FOSS4G 2021

Till Adams till.adams at fossgis.de
Mon Jan 6 00:10:25 PST 2020

Dear board,

now, as the motion passed, that we will support the Buenos Aires Team
with seed money, we need an idea on how or what to discuss how much of a
potential surplus we'd like to have for OSGeo.

I opened a discussion on general backflow of FOSS4G's surplusses to
OSGeo in the conference committee. Up now, there are various proposals,
the rough idea is to set a base amount (e.g. the first 30k), where we
have a share of 50/50 and afterwards another share (e.g. 90% OSGeo/10%
local chapter), but the discussion is not finished yet.

For now I would propose to go with a 50/50 for the 1st 30k surplus and
then for any surplus above this amount, 90% to OSGeo and 10% to their
local OSGeo chapter for Buenos Aires. Any thoughts on this?

I already pointed Melena and Maria to our motion and told, that we want
to discuss on the surplus.


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