[Board] I: Openness and Innovation in Geomatics and Earth Observation Forum at the ISPRS 2020 Congress

Maria Antonia Brovelli maria.brovelli at polimi.it
Tue Jan 7 14:36:17 PST 2020

Dear Angelos, dear All
Congratulations and Happy New Year!
Serena and I are organizing this forum (see below our email of 15 December) and we wonder if  the OSGeo President will be the keynoter of the panel. We have to provide the list of the keynoters and panellists.
Thanks a lot for answering.
Best regards,

Da: Maria Antonia Brovelli
Inviato: domenica 15 dicembre 2019 13:51
A: osgeo-board List <board at lists.osgeo.org>
Cc: serena.coetzee (up.ac.za) <serena.coetzee at up.ac.za>
Oggetto: Openness and Innovation in Geomatics and Earth Observation Forum at the ISPRS 2020 Congress

Dear Directors

Serena and I are organizing a Forum at the ISPRS Congress 2020 (http://www.isprs2020-nice.com/) related to "Openness and Innovation in Geomatics and Earth Observation". The tentative date of the Forum is 18th June. The Forum is composed of 4 panels, one related to " Geospatial open source software and open standards". The panel starts with a keynote of 20 minutes, followed by short speeches of 5 minutes of 5

panelists and 45 minutes of questions and answers.

We are kindly asking the Board if, considering the MoU existing between OSGeo and ISPRS and the fact that the Congress is the major event of ISPRS, gathering more than 3000 people, the President of OSGeo can give the keynote. In our opinion, it is a good occasion for visibility for our organization.

Please, let us know your opinion and, in a positive case, which is the title that you want to propose. We are obviously available for further pieces of information. Thanks a lot.

Best regards,

Maria and Serena

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