[Board] FOSS4G Europe 2020 request for seed funding

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Fri Jan 31 02:20:00 PST 2020

Hi Peteris,

By the term seed money, we always mean sharing the risk, so if a loss 
happens, we obviously participate in that loss.


On 1/31/20 10:02 AM, Peteris Bruns wrote:
> Hi Till,
> We hope that own company won’t need to fund much more this event outside
> couple of hundreds of hour work and extra many thousands to reach break
> even for this conference. :) as we plan to keep conference budget as low as
> possible so that people can afford it, very likely we won’t have surplus
> for conference. So it won’t be biggest issue to commit for 80% potential
> surplus to be paid back for OSGeo. If there is as example big losses of
> let’s say -5000 is there option seed money become actually grant? Currently
> not knowing of participant readiness to join event in north eu region could
> feel bigger concern than surplus for conference.
> In any case we understand and accept rule of paying 80% of surplus would be
> ok.
> Best,
> On Fri, 31 Jan 2020 at 09:50, Till Adams <till.adams at fossgis.de> wrote:
>> Michael,
>> cool, do we need a board decision on this or is it a more "just do it" ;-)
>> ?
>> Till
>> Am 30.01.20 um 18:28 schrieb Michael Smith:
>>> Till,
>>> We have provided seed funding to a regional conference, eg FOSS4G-NA.
>>> Mike
>>> --
>>> Michael Smith
>>> OSGeo Treasurer
>>> treasurer at osgeo.org
>>> On 1/30/20, 12:24 PM, "Board on behalf of Jachym Cepicky" <
>> board-bounces at lists.osgeo.org on behalf of jachym.cepicky at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>>      Hi Till and all,
>>>      as far as I remember (as previous board member and long-time
>> shadowing
>>>      chair of FOSS4G-Europe), seed money was always granted (under the
>>>      condition, it will be returned back).
>>>      Just my 0.02
>>>      Thank you
>>>      Jachym
>>>      čt 30. 1. 2020 v 18:07 odesílatel Till Adams <till.adams at fossgis.de>
>> napsal:
>>>      >
>>>      > Dear Peteris,
>>>      >
>>>      > I am not sure, whether we had the case before, that a local
>> chapter asked OSGeo for seed money for their regional conference, but maybe
>> the older colleagues of the board may remember.
>>>      >
>>>      > If you ask me, I see no problems with helping out from the OSGeo
>> side, but as said, maybe the colleagues know better about such cases than I
>> do.
>>>      >
>>>      > Nevertheless, I have one quesiton: For our global FOSS4G events
>> OSGeo also helps LOC's with seed money and then these are usually amounts
>> between 20 and 40 k (recently even more). In this case, OSGeo claims at
>> least 80% of the surplus of the conference. Do you have a plan, what should
>> happen with a (potential) surplus of the european confernece?
>>>      >
>>>      > Thanks, Till
>>>      >
>>>      >
>>>      >
>>>      > Am 27.01.20 um 16:32 schrieb Peteris Bruns:
>>>      >
>>>      > Dear Board,
>>>      >
>>>      > this mail comes from FOSS4G Europe Local team. I am Peteris Bruns
>> the Chair of FOSS4G Europe 2020.
>>>      >
>>>      > https://2020.europe.foss4g.org/
>>>      >
>>>      > We would like to ask for seed funds for FOSS4G-Europe 2020 which
>> we are organizing for July 2020.
>>>      >
>>>      > We are expecting 200-300+ attendees.
>>>      >
>>>      > We already have some expenses we have that we would like to cover.
>> Some expenses we have already covered by our company, and moust likely we
>> will continue in some cases, but we would be happy to reduce this
>> dependency. So we would like to ask OSGeo for seed 2.000 Euro money. We
>> will pay the money back after the event.
>>>      >
>>>      > It would be great if you could find a descission in the board
>> meeting today. Please notice that Codrina Maria Ilie and Astrid Emde are
>> also in the organizing committee.
>>>      >
>>>      > With greetings from rainy Latvian winter,
>>>      >
>>>      > --
>>>      > Peteris Bruns
>>>      >
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>>>      --
>>>      Jachym Cepicky
>>>      e-mail: jachym.cepicky gmail com
>>>      URL: http://les-ejk.cz
>>>      GPG: http://les-ejk.cz/pgp/JachymCepicky.pgp
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Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Charter Member
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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