[Board] FOSS4GUK Online Lessons Learnt

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 06:51:21 PDT 2020

Dear Board and Conference Committee,

During the last board meeting we discussed about planning a specific 
video call to discuss the feedback we got from Calgary and FOSS4G UK teams.

I have created this Doodle to help organize the meeting.

Best regards,

On 7/4/20 3:36 PM, Steven Feldman wrote:
> Hi
> The OSGeo:UK have posted a first draft of their lessons learnt from FOSS4GUK Online at https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4GUK_2020_Online_-_Lessons_Learnt <https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/FOSS4GUK_2020_Online_-_Lessons_Learnt>. It may evolve a little bit as other team members add in their 2¢
> ______
> Steven
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Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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