[Board] OSGeo Certification Services for OGC implementations

Tom Kralidis tomkralidis at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 17:39:44 PDT 2020

Hi Scott: hope all is well.  In support of continuing to strengthen
the synergies between
OSGeo and OGC, as per [1], we have worked on OSGeo communications
to advertise OSGeo Certification Services for OGC implementations.  The driving
goal here is to increase/incentivize OGC compliance for OSGeo projects, and we
believe putting the word out will highly help in this regard.

Having said this, we have drafted some information at [2], on which we
would appreciate
your valuable feedback.  Please feel free to include others from OGC
to review if

Once we have consensus, we will send out a news item/blogpost via the OSGeo
website as well as social media.



[1] https://git.osgeo.org/gitea/osgeo/todo/issues/67
[2] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OGC_Certification_Services

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