[Board] I: [Secretariat Office of UN Open GIS Initiative] Request for a signed statement on publishing the CI of member's organization

Maria Antonia Brovelli maria.brovelli at polimi.it
Fri Mar 13 01:29:18 PDT 2020

Dear Directors
Please consider the agreement form below with the UN Open GIS Initiative.
In my opinion, it should be signed by the President.

OSGeo is contributing to the Initiative with the challenges, with people attending UN relevant workshops and Congresses (promoting OSGeo activities in those occasions) and within the Capacity Building Working Group. These activities brought to a relevant presence of UN staff to the FOSS4G Conference in the last years, approaching more and more UN to open source technologies.
Best regards,
Da: 김은화 <ehkim at krihs.re.kr>
Inviato: venerdì 13 marzo 2020 05:38
A: Maria Antonia Brovelli <maria.brovelli at polimi.it>
Oggetto: [Secretariat Office of UN Open GIS Initiative] Request for a signed statement on publishing the CI of member's organization


Dear member of the UN Open GIS Initiative,

This is Eunhwa Kim from the Secretariat of the UN Open GIS Initiative.

To inform about our great partners (contributing partners/observers), we are planning to publish the CI of members' organizations on the website.
(UN Open GIS Initiative website: http://unopengis.org)

We are sending this email to require your consent to publish the CI of your organization on our website.

If you approve it, please fill in your name, organization, your email address in the attached file and reply to the signed or scanned file.

If you have any questions, please let me know it.

We look forward to hearing from you soon.

Thank you for your kind cooperation.

Best regards,

Eunhwa Kim

Assistant Research Fellow

Secretariat of UN Open GIS Initiative

Global Development Partnership Center (GDPC)

Korea Research Institute for Human Settlements (KRIHS)

5 Gukchaegyeonguwon-ro, Sejong-si, 30147, South Korea

​Office: +82-44-960-0178
Fax: +82-44-211-4772
E-mail: ehkim at krihs.re.kr<dmsghk2277 at krihs.re.kr>
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