[Board] GPL and Related Projects in the Open

Brian M Hamlin maplabs at light42.com
Mon Nov 2 07:54:47 PST 2020

Dear Board Members, OSGeo Project Stakeholders, All -

   best to you at this covid-19 time

   Recently the Free Software Foundation (FSF) based in Boston, MA  USA 
and world-wide, posted a Call For Feedback on "High Priority Projects" 
under an HPP Initiative [0].   Please consider writing to FSF regarding 
your GPL-related project and priorities for 2021.


   Note: there have been some diplomatic errors in the past, and 
certainly missed opportunity, but the relevance of the core principles 
and tech-stack dependence on GPL-related, licensed software, is arguably 
more significant than ever.   Perhaps new organizational equilibrium is 
possible.  It could be said that little will happen without diverse and 
multi-national participation.

   best regards from California, USA

   -Brian M Hamlin  /  MAPLABS  /  OSGeoLive PSC

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