[Board] [OSGeo-Conf] [Marketing] Proposal to subscribe to an email platform for all of OSGeo committees

María Arias de Reyna delawen at gmail.com
Wed Sep 16 01:51:37 PDT 2020


On Tue, Sep 15, 2020 at 5:44 PM Jonathan Neufeld <jneufeld at tecterra.com>

> Hi All,
> I think the conversation about saving money and aligning digital practices
> with group values is important, and I’d like to add some additional
> context.
>    - FOSS4G is a major event with a major budget, Calgary was expecting
>    to spend ~$1M for 1,200 people
Not all FOSS4G have the same budget, this is very dependent on the country
it is hosted in. Unless we grow in numbers a lot, I don't think outside the
USA and Canada the budget will get close to 1M soon.
Comparing for example with last 2019 FOSS4G in Europe, the planned budget
was less than half a million[1]. Which is even higher than usual budgets
outside Europe (2018 Dar was even lower[2]).

But for simplicity, let's say we have a 1M budget every year.

>    - Saving $75 per month sounds like a lot, but over a year that’s $900;
>    that’s one Bronze sponsorship.
>       - That’s 0.09% of a $1M budget
>    - Is the time and effort required to research, install, migrate,
>    manage, learn, and support a new system worth more or less than $900?
>       - Could that time be better spent seeking out a $1,000 sponsorship?
This is a fair question.

But we can turn it around: let me ask you if those $1 000 could be better
spent yearly on some OSGeo codesprint funding or project feature

Also, consider that our mail base is growing. Checking on the pricing page
of mailchimp, those $75 will soon be converted to $130 (if not already). So
it would be close to seeking out sponsorship for $2 000. And counting.

Personally, I would prefer something hosted by OSGeo or, at least, paying
for some hosted version of a FOSS service. Our aim this year is to have a
basic ready to use FOSS stack for all events, so using a FOSS version
instead of Sendy or mailchimp fits on the plans.

>    - Will the next FOSS4G team be able to run with the system as easily
>    as this team?
> We don't know about the next FOSS4G team. We can only assume they will be
as ready to use Mailchimp as to use Sendy.

We are for sure ready for it, especially because they are very very similar.

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