[Board] incubation application accepted for pygeoapi

Jody Garnett jody.garnett at gmail.com
Wed Nov 3 21:05:33 PDT 2021

The following motioned has been passed by the incubation committee:

Accept pygeoapi into Incubation with Michael Smith as incubation mentor.

 With the following support:

   - Bob (CI-StPaul) Basques           +1
   - Bruce Bannerman                      +1 initial motion
   - Arnulf Christl                              +1
   - Jo Cook                                      +1
   - Jody Garnett                              +0
   - Dimitris Kotzinos                        +0
   - Tom Kralidis                               +0
   - Michael Smith                            +1
   - Steve Lime                                 +1
   - Daniel Morissette                       +1
   - Frank Warmerdam                      Did not vote

In the past the board was informed of these applications as incubation
represented the first point of contact between the foundation and a new
project team - and was subject to board oversight/approval.

With the introduction of the "osgeo community" initiative pygeoapi is
already recognized as part of the osgeo family, and I think the incubation
committee can handle these applications on our own?

Please consider and let me know if the board wants to continue oversight of
incubation *applications*.

Note at the end of the incubation process, and the formation of a new osgeo
committee, remains under board oversight.
Jody Garnett
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