[Board] From Alexandria

A H Fekry ahf17 at yahoo.com
Wed Jan 26 05:12:46 PST 2022

Dear Friends
       A breakthrough could be made in agricultural remote sensing. Unfortunately RS with its great facilities and Technologies is used in agriculture for only limited issues : weather, watering, plant pathology ………
    All that are far from the most vital agri problem, Production disorder for farmers ( especially small ones ), thus, prices instability for consumers.
    That’s because the lake of data which causes random farmers decisions of kind and crop amount, especially vegetables which are hard to be stored or compensated in another way.
  A daily survey with satellite could determine the size and the kind of plant land is prepared to.
  A daily bulletin in media and net guide farmers to a shortage of a crop, or vise verse. The farmer will only loose the cost of seedlings, this is nothing compared continuing in the wrong direction.
  The project is financed by the bulletin, and the bulletin is financed by ads of agri production suppliers because the bulletin will be a necessary daily routine of the farmers.
                                                                      A H Fekry

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