[Board] [OSGeo-Conf] Voting result of FOSS4G 2024

Tatiana Pará tatianamdefreitas at gmail.com
Thu Aug 3 15:51:55 PDT 2023


It is with great joy and enthusiasm that we receive the news of the
acceptance of the FOSS4G application in Brazil! On behalf of the entire
local team, we would like to express our deep gratitude for the recognition
and the opportunity to host this prestigious event.

This achievement is the result of a collaborative effort, months of
dedication, and careful planning. Knowing that our efforts have been
acknowledged and that we will have the honor of welcoming the FOSS4G
community is a reason for celebration for all of us.

The local team is overflowing with happiness and commitment to ensure that
FOSS4G becomes a memorable and enriching event for all participants. Our
mission now is to exceed all expectations and provide a welcoming,
inspiring, and full-of-opportunities environment for learning and

Our next step will be to coordinate all logistical details, prepare a
diverse and exciting program, and ensure that every aspect of the event is
aligned with the values and objectives of FOSS4G.

We deeply appreciate the trust placed in us and eagerly look forward to
welcoming everyone involved. We believe that the combination of the
richness of our local culture with the global knowledge of the FOSS4G
community will result in an enriching and unique experience for all.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for any additional information,
suggestions, or ideas that can contribute to the success of this event. We
can hardly wait to welcome you here in Brazil and share this memorable

Once again, thank you for allowing us to be part of this incredible event.

With gratitude and enthusiasm,
Tatiana, Andrea, and the team

Em qui., 3 de ago. de 2023 às 11:34, 신상희(Sanghee Shin) <shshin at gaia3d.com>

> Dear All,
> Luca and I received 9 votes out of 17 voting members of the conference
> committee, and we are very happy to share the great news that FOSS4G 2024
> has been awarded to Belem. Everyone voted in favor of the Belem proposal.
> Luca and I would like to ask the board of OSGeo to approve this result
> regarding the FOSS4G 2024 hosting city.
> Thanks to the Belem team for your excellent proposal and hope to see you
> in Belem.
> Kind regards,
> 감사합니다.
> 신상희
> ---
> Shin, Sanghee
> Gaia3D, Inc. - The GeoSpatial Company
> www.gaia3d.com
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*Tatiana Pará M. de Freitas*
​Agrônoma, especialista em Geotecnologias
Mestre em Desenvolvimento Rural e GEAE
Profª E.B.T.T. do  Instituto Federal do Pará - IFPA
Fundadora do projeto Meninas das Geotecnologias
*Rising Stars* 2023 -
*Geospatial World forum*Membra oficial *the Open Source Geospatial
Foundation* – OSGEO
Currículo Lattes: http://lattes.cnpq.br/8346985753324274
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