[Board] OsGeo Funding Request to National Meeting (Geocamp 2023) at 30th September 2023 in Spain

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Sat Aug 26 00:00:58 PDT 2023


Thank you for your e-mail.
Your request has been added to the next board meeting agenda.


On 8/24/23 10:06, DIEZ SANMARTIN, CARMEN L. via Board wrote:
> Dear OsGeo Board,
> In relation to the previous email and in case it was necessary for decision-making, we want to specify that the amount requested as help for the celebration of Geocamp 2023 would be 3000 EUR since we are waiting for more sponsorships.
> Expenses: 9000 EUR
> ·        Venue: 2800 EUR
> ·        Food: 3500 EUR
> ·        Boat: 2700 EUR
> Incomes: 9000 EUR
> ·        Sponsorship: 9000 EUR total
> 1.       OSGeo request: 3000 EUR (Requested)
> 2.       Confirmated: 2300 EUR
> 3.       Planned: 3700 EUR
> Thanks and best regards,
> [cid:image002.png at 01D9057D.430AEA60]
> Carmen Díez SanMartín
> Área de Planificación Territorial
> Subdirección General de Estudios Territoriales y Cartografía
> Dirección General de Urbanismo
> Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Agricultura e Interior
> Teléfono: 91 438  23 52
> C/ Alcalá nº 16 -5ª, 28014 Madrid
> Antes de imprimir este e-mail piense bien si es necesario hacerlo. El medio ambiente es cosa de todos.
> La posible información que pudiera contener este comunicado, relacionada con datos de carácter personal, se encuentra amparada en la LOPD 15/99, que compromete a no utilizar estos datos para fines que no sean estrictamente necesarios para la realización de su cometido, añadiendo además la absoluta confidencialidad y exclusividad, quedando prohibida a cualquier persona su revelación, copia, distribución o el ejercicio de cualquier acción relativa a su contenido. Si recibe este correo electrónico erróneamente ruego nos lo reenvíe y lo elimine de todos sus archivos.
> Enviado el: martes, 22 de agosto de 2023 11:45
> Para: board at lists.osgeo.org; board-es at lists.osgeo.org
> CC: info at geocamp.es
> Asunto: OsGeo Funding Request to National Meeting (Geocamp 2023) at 30th September 2023 in Spain
> Dear OSGeo Board,
> as a OSGeo member<https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Clds1> [1] and on behalf of the Local Organizing Committee for this year's Geoinquietos National Meeting (Geocamp 2023<https://www.osgeo.org/events/geocamp-2023/> [2]), we want to ask for financial support provided by The Open Source Geospatial Foundation programs.
> Geocamp Spain was born in 2013 and is a non-profit national congress, organised by the international collective Geoinquietos<https://geoinquietos.org/> [3]: a community made up of informal groups that meet to talk and learn about earth sciences, open geodata services, free software and GIS applications, especially around the OSGeo community (Geospatial Spanish-Speaking Communities<https://geoinquietosmadrid.github.io/geoinquietos-y-osgeoes/#/> [4]).
> This year, Geocamp celebrates its 10th Edition and it will be held on September 30th in the island of ‘Illa de San Simón’<https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/2474335849> [5] (Vigo, Galicia -  Spain) and it will have an Open Space<https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Desconferencia> format: all the participants take an active role in the execution of the event to increase the interaction between the attendees. This event is a chance to meet with developers of the community projects and get a deeper insight into the GIS Open Software.
> The venue will be situated at the little island of ‘Illa de San Simón’ that has a building holding up to 100 people and allows for several configurations of spaces. The trip on boat from Vigo City to the island (come and back) will be included in the budget of the event, as well as coffee breaks for all day and the ​meal of the conference. It is possible that one or two keynotes can be invited to start and end the congress that will take place with two tracks throughout the day, from 10 a.m. to 11 p.m., approx. And we could also offer a gift T-shirt.
> The total expense for 100 attendees is near 9000 EUR and the budgets calculated in euros for both, 50 and 100 attendees, are included in this mail.
> Sponsorship and the OSGeo financial support, will allow us to celebrate this event and make a donation to improve the next meetings for subsequent years. At the momento, we have the contribution about 3000 EUR from our sponsors, so we would need your collaboration.
> For any questions or queries you can response at this mail or contact us at:
> E-mail: info at geocamp.es                                                     <mailto:info at geocamp.es> Telegram: GeoCamp - 2023<https://t.me/joinchat/AGMxEkb2muPxA0_ynqReCQ>
> Twitter: @GeoCampES                                                         <http://twitter.com/GeoCampES> Web: https://2023.geocamp.es/
> Github: https://github.com/geocamp-es - https://github.com/geocamp-es/2023
> Many thanks for everything. We hope your quickly answer.
> Best regards,
> [1] https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/User:Clds1
> [2] https://www.osgeo.org/events/geocamp-2023/
> [3] https://geoinquietos.org/
> [4] https://geoinquietosmadrid.github.io/geoinquietos-y-osgeoes/#/
> [5] https://www.openstreetmap.org/node/2474335849
> [cid:image002.png at 01D9057D.430AEA60]
> Carmen Díez SanMartín
> Área de Planificación Territorial
> Subdirección General de Estudios Territoriales y Cartografía
> Dirección General de Urbanismo
> Consejería de Medio Ambiente, Agricultura e Interior
> Teléfono: 91 438  23 52
> C/ Alcalá nº 16 -5ª, 28014 Madrid
> Antes de imprimir este e-mail piense bien si es necesario hacerlo. El medio ambiente es cosa de todos.
> La posible información que pudiera contener este comunicado, relacionada con datos de carácter personal, se encuentra amparada en la LOPD 15/99, que compromete a no utilizar estos datos para fines que no sean estrictamente necesarios para la realización de su cometido, añadiendo además la absoluta confidencialidad y exclusividad, quedando prohibida a cualquier persona su revelación, copia, distribución o el ejercicio de cualquier acción relativa a su contenido. Si recibe este correo electrónico erróneamente ruego nos lo reenvíe y lo elimine de todos sus archivos.
> _______________________________________________
> Board mailing list
> Board at lists.osgeo.org
> https://lists.osgeo.org/mailman/listinfo/board

Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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