[Board] Update on MoU with AGU

Peter Löwe peter.loewe at gmx.de
Wed Dec 6 00:43:09 PST 2023

Hello Board,

here's an update about the MoU renewal with AGU. The talks with AGU were a bit delayed, since I had to spend time in a hospital.

- The 2019 MuO (https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/MOU_AGU) can be used as a baseline for the renewed MoU.

- Both OSGeo and AGUs have since 2019 developed templates for MOU, which need to be considered for the MOU renewal.

- The AGU open Science Leadership Team will trigger the AGU-interal preparation process.

- Next consultations are planned for January 2024.

- The signing of the renewed MOU can take place during EGU GA 2024 in Vienna, Austria.


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