[Board] Travis usage of GRASS

Even Rouault even.rouault at spatialys.com
Tue Feb 14 09:38:56 PST 2023


just reacting to "We were considering cancelling OSGeo’s subscription". 
For GDAL, our current use of Travis-CI is to test portability on the 
Graviton2 ARM64 and s390x big-endian platforms (we use github CI for x64 
Linux/Win/Mac). For Graviton2, this is more the ARM64 side of things 
than the Graviton2 specific one, as ARM64 is the architecture of recent 
Apple hardware and there's no corresponding workers for github CI (not 
sure if there free CI solutions that can be integrated with github and 
offer ARM64 support?). s390x/big-endian use cases have probably little 
market relevance nowadays.


Le 14/02/2023 à 18:26, Michael Smith via Board a écrit :
> After not seeing any builds for a while in Travis from Grass, I just 
> saw one recently.
> We were considering cancelling OSGeo’s subscription but if this is 
> something GRASS is actively using/depending on, we can maintain. We 
> might scale back the subscription if its only lightly used those. I 
> have to renew on Feb 19 so if you could let me know before then.
> Thanks,
> Mike
> -
> Michael Smith
> OSGeo Treasurer
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