[Board] Has $23.00 arrived for GRASS GIS?

Veronica Andreo veroandreo at gmail.com
Tue Feb 28 04:47:22 PST 2023

Seems to me that the reminder is sent automatically, is it? As there's
already an entry in the activity log "Sent reminder..."
[image: image.png]

This is a mystery 🤔😅

El lun, 27 feb 2023 a las 14:37, Markus Neteler (<neteler at osgeo.org>)

> Ah, I see
> https://opencollective.com/osgeo/projects/grass/admin/activity-log
> --> shows indeed the transaction.
> from there I get to the it
> https://opencollective.com/grass/orders?searchTerm=%23628558
> ==> "Monthly financial contribution to GRASS GIS
>         for GRASS GIS from Fuad Husen • February 23, 2023"
> What I think: this person has formally set-up a monthly donation but
> didn't pay yet.
> Hence we need to wait (or send a reminder since it some days ago).
> Does that makes sense?
> Markus
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