[Board] Fwd: Request: Approval of budget 2023 for deegree code sprint

Torsten Friebe friebe at lat-lon.de
Fri May 12 10:11:10 PDT 2023

Dear Michael,

Please transfer the approved amount of USD 815 to:

Receiver:  FOSSGIS e.V.:
IBAN:       DE93 5519 0000 0415 9380 26
BIC:          MVBM DE 55
Bank:       Mainzer Volksbank
Reason for transfer: OSGeo budget 2023 deegree project

Greetings from the UPH in Essen, second day of the community code 
sprint. We expect to pay the invoice within the next 14 days.

Best regards,


-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht --------
Betreff: 	Re: [Board] Request: Approval of budget 2023 for deegree code 
Datum: 	Fri, 21 Apr 2023 20:01:29 +0300
Von: 	Angelos Tzotsos via Board <board at lists.osgeo.org>
Antwort an: 	Angelos Tzotsos <gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com>
An: 	board at lists.osgeo.org

Motion just passed:


On 4/21/23 19:03, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
> Hi Torsten,
> We have an open loomio motion:
> https://www.loomio.com/p/Tr0cnuVq/motion-to-approve-815-for-supporting-deegree-code-sprint 
> Hoping to get all the votes in soon.
> Best regards,
> Angelos
> On 4/21/23 18:32, Torsten Friebe via Board wrote:
>> Dear OSGeo Board members,
>> the deegree community code sprint is planned for mid of May 2023 [4] 
>> and we are kindly asking for a feedback if our budged request has 
>> been approved by the board. We appreciate your answer.
>> Kind regards,
>> Torsten
>> _
>> [4] https://sourceforge.net/p/deegree/mailman/message/37834065/
>> Am 03.03.23 um 10:20 schrieb Torsten Friebe:
>>> Dear OSGeo Board members,
>>> On behalf of the OSGeo deegree community I would like to request the 
>>> approval
>>> of parts of the budget for 2023 assigned to the project. The amount 
>>> is approx €750 EUR (~$815 USD) incl. VAT
>>> as submitted in our 2023 budget request [1] for a in-person meeting 
>>> (code sprint).
>>> And as a reply to the statement in the wiki page [2]:
>>> Board note: Is the code sprint budget requested for a dedicated code 
>>> sprint or for joining a joint sprint?
>>> Answer: The budget shall be used to have dedicated code sprints in 
>>> 2023 [3].
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Torsten
>>> _
>>> [1]https://github.com/deegree/deegree3/wiki/deegree-budget-2023
>>> [2]https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2023
>>> [3]https://sourceforge.net/p/deegree/mailman/message/37776021/
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Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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