[Board] Letter of suppost for a research project

Angelos Tzotsos gcpp.kalxas at gmail.com
Thu Feb 15 06:42:38 PST 2024

The motion passed and the letter has been signed and submitted.

On 2/13/24 22:33, Angelos Tzotsos wrote:
> Hi all,
> There is a motion to approve this request on Loomio:
> https://www.loomio.com/d/ZX5OCNIF/letter-of-support-for-climeshed-research-project/1 
> Please vote.
> Best,
> Angelos
> On 2/11/24 23:21, Cannata Massimiliano via Board wrote:
>> Dear Board members,
>> I'm writing you this mail to ask a letter of support from OSGeo for 
>> an international project I'm submitting to the Belmont Forum by 
>> 29.02.2024.
>> The project, named CLIMESHED, aims at Empowering Disadvantaged 
>> Communities with Sustainable Water Monitoring and Data Exploitation 
>> for Climate Change by developing an Open Source platform to collect, 
>> manage, process and present environmental data.
>> The proposed platform to be developed will be extensively based on 
>> FOSS4G (istSOS, pyGeoapi, geoPandas, etc.) and OGC standards 
>> (SensorThingsAPI, OGC API Features, WaterML, GeoParquet, etc.).
>> Here a short summary: This project addresses the challenges faced by 
>> disadvantaged communities of middle/low-income countries/regions in 
>> disposing of sustainable, FAIR, completed, updated and reliable data 
>> monitoring and distribution systems on local water quality and 
>> quantity. This hinders the understanding, planning and evaluation of 
>> mitigation actions of negative impacts of climate change on 
>> ecosystems and human health. We propose to experiment and demonstrate 
>> a meshed Open Source solution combining authoritative, low-cost and 
>> citizen-science approaches rooted in Responsible Research Innovation 
>> (RRI) and open science principles.
>> Looking forward for any feedback or request.
>> Best regard,
>> Maxi
>> -- 
>> Massimiliano Cannata
>> Professore SUPSI in ingegneria Geomatica
>> Responsabile settore Geomatica
>> Istituto scienze della Terra
>> Dipartimento ambiente costruzione e design
>> Scuola universitaria professionale della Svizzera italiana
>> Campus Mendrisio, Via Flora Ruchat-Roncati 15
>> CH – 6850 Mendrisio
>> Tel. +41 (0)58 666 62 14
>> Fax +41 (0)58 666 62 09
>> massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch<mailto:massimiliano.cannata at supsi.ch>
>> www.supsi.ch/ist<http://www.supsi.ch/ist>
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Angelos Tzotsos, PhD
Open Source Geospatial Foundation

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