[Board] Budget request for mappyfile

Seth G sethg at geographika.co.uk
Sun Jan 21 02:33:40 PST 2024


mappyfile was voted an OSGeo community project in 2023 [1]. I'd like to request a budget of $300 USD for help from the developer of Lark [1], on which mappyfile depends, to resolve an issue documented at [2]. I've created a wiki page to document the 2024 road map and budget request [3]. 

As a community project there is no PSC, so this is a direct request to the board. As mappyfile is part of the MapServer "ecosystem", oversight could be provided by the MapServer PSC if deemed appropriate. 

Additionally it would be great to get a logo for the project. Does OSGeo have an "approved" providers list for graphics/logos? This may be part of a future budget request in 2025, although if there are other community projects without a logo maybe this could be part of a package of logos. 

If there are any questions please let me know. 



[1] https://github.com/lark-parser/lark
[2] https://github.com/geographika/mappyfile/issues/199
[3] https://github.com/geographika/mappyfile/wiki/2024-Mappyfile-Roadmap

web:https://geographika.net & https://mapserverstudio.net
twitter: @geographika

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