[Board] Fwd: Request for funding

Jan Suleiman suleiman at terrestris.de
Wed Jun 5 01:12:42 PDT 2024

Hi Angelos,

thanks for the info. For the next code sprint we will make sure to stick 
to the planning period.

Kind regards

On 27.05.24 21:54, Angelos Tzotsos via Board wrote:
> Dear Jan,
> The board has reviewed your request and unfortunately there was no 
> motion to approve.
> Please consider sending your next request during the budget planning 
> period so we can plan accordingly:
> https://wiki.osgeo.org/wiki/OSGeo_Budget_2024#Events
> Best regards,
> Angelos
> On 4/29/24 10:08, Jan Suleiman via Board wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> please find below our request for funding of the GeoStyler Code Sprint.
>> Kind regards
>> Jan
>> -------- Forwarded Message --------
>> Subject:     Request for funding
>> Date:     Thu, 18 Apr 2024 11:23:45 +0200
>> From:     adams at osgeo.org <adams at osgeo.org>
>> Reply-To:     adams at osgeo.org
>> Organization:     OSGeo
>> To:     OSGeo Board Private <board-priv at osgeo.org>
>> CC:     Jan Suleiman <suleiman at terrestris.de>
>> Dear Board,
>> the GeoStyler project is planning a one-week code sprint and we'd 
>> like to request for support from OSGeo.
>> In the following, we present our plan for the GeoStyler code sprint 
>> following the OSGeo guidelines [1]:
>> -- Request for support of the GeoStyler Code Sprint 2024 --
>> **Basic Information**
>> GeoStyler Code Sprint from 17.-21.06.2024 in Paris, France. See also 
>> https://geostyler.org/
>> Audience:
>> So far, 11 people registered for the code sprint. Based on last year's
>> event, we expect around 10-15 people joining the sprint.
>> Region:
>> The code sprint will take place in Paris, France. There is no 
>> restriction for
>> participation. Even though, the code sprint is intended to take place
>> on-site, people are also welcome to join online.
>> Project:
>> We will mainly work on the GeoStyler project. If during the sprint ideas
>> for adaptions on other OSGeo projects arise, we will also work on them
>> or contact the community of the concerned projects.
>> Length:
>> The code sprint is planned for a full week (5 days).
>> Venue:
>> The code sprint will take place in the offices of the Institut 
>> national de l'information géographique
>> et forestière France (IGN) in Paris, France. There are no costs for 
>> the venue.
>> **Expected Budget**
>> The prospective budget will be as follows:
>> Travel costs
>> 4 x train Aarau-Paris-Aarau ~1100 €
>> 1 x train London-Paris-London ~260 €
>> 3 x train Bonn-Paris-Bonn ~450 €
>> Accommodation
>> 8 persons * 4 nights * ~150 € => ~4800 €
>> Catering
>> 11 persons * 25 € * 5 days => ~1.375 €
>> (breakfast, lunch)
>> Other costs
>> Social Event ~500 €
>> Total: ~8.485 €
>> Other fundings:
>> IGN provides the venue for free
>> camptocamp funds the travel and accommodation costs for 2 persons
>> terrestris funds the travel costs for 3 persons
>> The social event will be covered by the OpenCollective funds of the 
>> GeoStyler project
>> We asked the FOSSGIS for a funding of accommodation costs for the 5 
>> participants from Germany and Switzerland
>> Requested funding from OSGeo:
>> We apply for the funding of the travel and accommodation expenses of 
>> one person coming from England, as well
>> as for the funding of the catering costs for the sprinters. In total 
>> we ask for a funding of 2235 €.
>> Should the budget be published elsewhere explicitly, or is providing it
>> on this mailinglist sufficient?
>> **Profit**
>> We do not plan any profit for this event. If there is more funding than
>> money needed, we will call for less support from OSGeo. We see low risk
>> for incurring a loss. If there is no funding, it might be that the
>> external developers may not show up and the participants will pay the
>> socializing for themselves.
>> If there are any further questions,do not hesitate asking us,
>> Jan
>> [1] 
>> https://github.com/OSGeo/osgeo/blob/master/board/documents/osgeo_financial_guidance.pdf
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   M.Sc. Geoinformatics Jan Suleiman
   - Anwendungsentwickler -

   terrestris GmbH & Co. KG
   Kölnstraße 99
   53111 Bonn

   Tel: +49 (0)228 / 96 28 99 -543
   Fax: +49 (0)228 / 96 28 99 -57

   Email: suleiman at terrestris.de
   Web: http://www.terrestris.de

   Komplementärin: terrestris Verwaltungsgesellschaft mbH vertreten durch:
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