[Board] Reaching out for engagement

Scott McHale scott.mchale at shaw.ca
Fri Mar 8 09:28:21 PST 2024



I'm reaching out for thoughts and ideas from the board. 


I organize and host the monthly meetup for our OSGeo Alberta Chapter. I
recently approached Jody Garnett and, on his suggestion, the Marketing
Committee to talk about my hope for making the process and value of becoming
an OSGeo member - specifically, getting the UserID - easier to understand
and articulate. (I would like to see all our meetup.com membership become
OSGeo members). Initial discussion suggested we might be better served to
widen the focus to making the website generally more inviting to people who,
like me, are not particularly technical and have only a general GIS


Any input you have would be appreciated. 






Scott McHale 

BA Champion.


M 403.970.7640   

 <https://www.linkedin.com/in/scottmchale/> LinkedIn

Twitter <https://twitter.com/ScottMchale>  



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